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Legendre relation


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31: 14.17 Integrals
Orthogonality relations for the associated Legendre functions of imaginary order are given in Bielski (2013). …
32: Bibliography B
  • S. Bielski (2013) Orthogonality relations for the associated Legendre functions of imaginary order. Integral Transforms Spec. Funct. 24 (4), pp. 331–337.
  • 33: 22.8 Addition Theorems
    §22.8(iii) Special Relations Between Arguments
    22.8.22 z 1 + z 2 + z 3 + z 4 = 2 K ( k ) .
    For these and related identities see Copson (1935, pp. 415–416). If sums/differences of the z j ’s are rational multiples of K ( k ) , then further relations follow. …
    22.8.24 z 1 z 2 = z 2 z 3 = 2 3 K ( k ) ,
    34: 18.11 Relations to Other Functions
    §18.11 Relations to Other Functions
    See §§18.5(i) and 18.5(iii) for relations to trigonometric functions, the hypergeometric function, and generalized hypergeometric functions.
    35: 18.3 Definitions
    §18.3 Definitions
    This table also includes the following special cases of Jacobi polynomials: ultraspherical, Chebyshev, and Legendre. … It is also related to a discrete Fourier-cosine transform, see Britanak et al. (2007).
    Legendre polynomials are special cases of Legendre functions, Ferrers functions, and associated Legendre functions (§14.7(i)). …
    36: 19.36 Methods of Computation
    Legendre’s integrals can be computed from symmetric integrals by using the relations in §19.25(i). …
    37: 14.8 Behavior at Singularities
    In the next three relations μ > 0 . … The behavior of 𝖯 ν μ ( x ) and 𝖰 ν μ ( x ) as x 1 + follows from the above results and the connection formulas (14.9.8) and (14.9.10). …
    14.8.9 𝑸 ν ( x ) = ln ( x 1 ) 2 Γ ( ν + 1 ) + 1 2 ln 2 γ ψ ( ν + 1 ) Γ ( ν + 1 ) + O ( ( x 1 ) ln ( x 1 ) ) , ν 1 , 2 , 3 , ,
    14.8.10 𝑸 n ( x ) ( 1 ) n + 1 ( n 1 ) ! , n = 1 , 2 , 3 , ,
    38: 14.31 Other Applications
    §14.31(ii) Conical Functions
    §14.31(iii) Miscellaneous
    Many additional physical applications of Legendre polynomials and associated Legendre functions include solution of the Helmholtz equation, as well as the Laplace equation, in spherical coordinates (Temme (1996b)), quantum mechanics (Edmonds (1974)), and high-frequency scattering by a sphere (Nussenzveig (1965)). … Legendre functions P ν ( x ) of complex degree ν appear in the application of complex angular momentum techniques to atomic and molecular scattering (Connor and Mackay (1979)).
    39: 3.5 Quadrature
    For the classical orthogonal polynomials related to the following Gauss rules, see §18.3. …
    Gauss–Legendre Formula
    The monic and orthonormal recursion relations of this section are both closely related to the Lanczos recursion relation in §3.2(vi). … are related to Bessel polynomials (§§10.49(ii) and 18.34). … …
    40: 16.18 Special Cases
    §16.18 Special Cases
    This is a consequence of the following relations: …As a corollary, special cases of the F 1 1 and F 1 2 functions, including Airy functions, Bessel functions, parabolic cylinder functions, Ferrers functions, associated Legendre functions, and many orthogonal polynomials, are all special cases of the Meijer G -function. …