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L?H�pital rule for derivatives


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1: 3.8 Nonlinear Equations
§3.8(ii) Newton’s Rule
Newton’s rule is given by … Another iterative method is Halley’s rule: …The rule converges locally and is cubically convergent. …
2: 1.5 Calculus of Two or More Variables
§1.5(i) Partial Derivatives
The function f ( x , y ) is continuously differentiable if f , f / x , and f / y are continuous, and twice-continuously differentiable if also 2 f / x 2 , 2 f / y 2 , 2 f / x y , and 2 f / y x are continuous. …
Chain Rule
Suppose that a , b , c are finite, d is finite or + , and f ( x , y ) , f / x are continuous on the partly-closed rectangle or infinite strip [ a , b ] × [ c , d ) . …
§1.5(vi) Jacobians and Change of Variables
3: 18.40 Methods of Computation
Results similar to these appear in Langhoff et al. (1976) in methods developed for physics applications, and which includes treatments of systems with discontinuities in μ ( x ) , using what is referred to as the Stieltjes derivative which may be traced back to Stieltjes, as discussed by Deltour (1968, Eq. 12).
Derivative Rule Approach
An alternate, and highly efficient, approach follows from the derivative rule conjecture, see Yamani and Reinhardt (1975), and references therein, namely that … Comparisons of the precisions of Lagrange and PWCF interpolations to obtain the derivatives, are shown in Figure 18.40.2. … Further, exponential convergence in N , via the Derivative Rule, rather than the power-law convergence of the histogram methods, is found for the inversion of Gegenbauer, Attractive, as well as Repulsive, Coulomb–Pollaczek, and Hermite weights and zeros to approximate w ( x ) for these OP systems on x [ 1 , 1 ] and ( , ) respectively, Reinhardt (2018), and Reinhardt (2021b), Reinhardt (2021a). …
4: 3.5 Quadrature
§3.5(i) Trapezoidal Rules
The composite trapezoidal rule is …
§3.5(ii) Simpson’s Rule
§3.5(iv) Interpolatory Quadrature Rules
5: 9.17 Methods of Computation
The trapezoidal rule3.5(i)) is then applied. … In consequence of §9.6(i), algorithms for generating Bessel functions, Hankel functions, and modified Bessel functions (§10.74) can also be applied to Ai ( z ) , Bi ( z ) , and their derivatives. … Zeros of the Airy functions, and their derivatives, can be computed to high precision via Newton’s rule3.8(ii)) or Halley’s rule3.8(v)), using values supplied by the asymptotic expansions of §9.9(iv) as initial approximations. … For the computation of the zeros of the Scorer functions and their derivatives see Gil et al. (2003c).
6: 1.6 Vectors and Vector-Valued Functions
where 𝐧 is the unit vector normal to 𝐚 and 𝐛 whose direction is determined by the right-hand rule; see Figure 1.6.1.
See accompanying text
Figure 1.6.1: Vector notation. Right-hand rule for cross products. Magnify
1.6.19 = 𝐢 x + 𝐣 y + 𝐤 z .
where g / n = g 𝐧 is the derivative of g normal to the surface outwards from V and 𝐧 is the unit outer normal vector. …
7: 1.4 Calculus of One Variable
§1.4(iii) Derivatives
Higher Derivatives
Chain Rule
Leibniz’s Formula
L’Hôpital’s Rule
8: 10.74 Methods of Computation
§10.74(vi) Zeros and Associated Values
Newton’s rule3.8(i)) or Halley’s rule3.8(v)) can be used to compute to arbitrarily high accuracy the real or complex zeros of all the functions treated in this chapter. Necessary values of the first derivatives of the functions are obtained by the use of (10.6.2), for example. Newton’s rule is quadratically convergent and Halley’s rule is cubically convergent. …
9: Bibliography R
  • M. Razaz and J. L. Schonfelder (1980) High precision Chebyshev expansions for Airy functions and their derivatives. Technical report University of Birmingham Computer Centre.
  • W. P. Reinhardt (2018) Universality properties of Gaussian quadrature, the derivative rule, and a novel approach to Stieltjes inversion.
  • W. P. Reinhardt (2021a) Erratum to:Relationships between the zeros, weights, and weight functions of orthogonal polynomials: Derivative rule approach to Stieltjes and spectral imaging. Computing in Science and Engineering 23 (4), pp. 91.
  • W. P. Reinhardt (2021b) Relationships between the zeros, weights, and weight functions of orthogonal polynomials: Derivative rule approach to Stieltjes and spectral imaging. Computing in Science and Engineering 23 (3), pp. 56–64.
  • K. Rottbrand (2000) Finite-sum rules for Macdonald’s functions and Hankel’s symbols. Integral Transform. Spec. Funct. 10 (2), pp. 115–124.
  • 10: 3.4 Differentiation
    The integral on the right-hand side can be approximated by the composite trapezoidal rule (3.5.2). … As explained in §§3.5(i) and 3.5(ix) the composite trapezoidal rule can be very efficient for computing integrals with analytic periodic integrands.
    §3.4(iii) Partial Derivatives