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points in complex plane


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1: 1.9 Calculus of a Complex Variable
Also, the union of S and its limit points is the closure of S . …
Jordan Curve Theorem
§1.9(iv) Conformal Mapping
2: Bibliography D
  • T. M. Dunster (1994b) Uniform asymptotic solutions of second-order linear differential equations having a simple pole and a coalescing turning point in the complex plane. SIAM J. Math. Anal. 25 (2), pp. 322–353.
  • 3: 1.6 Vectors and Vector-Valued Functions
    Note: The terminology open and closed sets and boundary points in the ( x , y ) plane that is used in this subsection and §1.6(v) is analogous to that introduced for the complex plane in §1.9(ii). …
    4: 28.7 Analytic Continuation of Eigenvalues
    As functions of q , a n ( q ) and b n ( q ) can be continued analytically in the complex q -plane. …The number of branch points is infinite, but countable, and there are no finite limit points. In consequence, the functions can be defined uniquely by introducing suitable cuts in the q -plane. …The branch points are called the exceptional values, and the other points normal values. …
    5: 8.13 Zeros
    When x > x n a pair of conjugate trajectories emanate from the point a = a n in the complex a -plane. …
    6: 3.8 Nonlinear Equations
    for solving fixed-point problems (3.8.2) cannot always be predicted, especially in the complex plane. …
    7: 1.14 Integral Transforms
    If the integral converges, then it converges uniformly in any compact domain in the complex s -plane not containing any point of the interval ( , 0 ] . …
    8: 21.7 Riemann Surfaces
    Equation (21.7.1) determines a plane algebraic curve in 2 , which is made compact by adding its points at infinity. …
    9: 25.12 Polylogarithms
    In the complex plane Li 2 ( z ) has a branch point at z = 1 . …
    10: 4.3 Graphics
    Figure 4.3.2 illustrates the conformal mapping of the strip π < z < π onto the whole w -plane cut along the negative real axis, where w = e z and z = ln w (principal value). Corresponding points share the same letters, with bars signifying complex conjugates. Lines parallel to the real axis in the z -plane map onto rays in the w -plane, and lines parallel to the imaginary axis in the z -plane map onto circles centered at the origin in the w -plane. In the labeling of corresponding points r is a real parameter that can lie anywhere in the interval ( 0 , ) . …
    §4.3(iii) Complex Arguments: Surfaces