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parametrization of algebraic equations


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1: 22.18 Mathematical Applications
§22.18(i) Lengths and Parametrization of Plane Curves
§22.18(iii) Uniformization and Other Parametrizations
By use of the functions sn and cn , parametrizations of algebraic equations, such as … …
2: 21.4 Graphics
21.4.1 𝛀 = [ 1.69098 3006 + 0.95105 6516 i 1.5 + 0.36327 1264 i 1.5 + 0.36327 1264 i 1.30901 6994 + 0.95105 6516 i ] .
This Riemann matrix originates from the Riemann surface represented by the algebraic curve μ 3 λ 7 + 2 λ 3 μ = 0 ; compare §21.7(i).
Figure 21.4.1: θ ^ ( 𝐳 | 𝛀 ) parametrized by (21.4.1). …
21.4.2 𝛀 1 = [ i 1 2 1 2 i ] ,
See accompanying text
Figure 21.4.5: The real part of a genus 3 scaled Riemann theta function: θ ^ ( x + i y , 0 , 0 | 𝛀 2 ) , 0 x 1 , 0 y 3 . This Riemann matrix originates from the genus 3 Riemann surface represented by the algebraic curve μ 3 + 2 μ λ 4 = 0 ; compare §21.7(i). Magnify 3D Help
3: 23.20 Mathematical Applications
An algebraic curve that can be put either into the form … Points P = ( x , y ) on the curve can be parametrized by x = ( z ; g 2 , g 3 ) , 2 y = ( z ; g 2 , g 3 ) , where g 2 = 4 a and g 3 = 4 b : in this case we write P = P ( z ) . …
§23.20(iv) Modular and Quintic Equations
The modular equation of degree p , p prime, is an algebraic equation in α = λ ( p τ ) and β = λ ( τ ) . … For further information, including the application of (23.20.7) to the solution of the general quintic equation, see Borwein and Borwein (1987, Chapter 4). …
4: Bibliography H
  • E. Hairer and G. Wanner (1996) Solving Ordinary Differential Equations. II. Stiff and Differential-Algebraic Problems. 2nd edition, Springer Series in Computational Mathematics, Vol. 14, Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
  • B. Hall (2015) Lie groups, Lie algebras, and representations. Second edition, Graduate Texts in Mathematics, Vol. 222, Springer, Cham.
  • R. A. Handelsman and J. S. Lew (1971) Asymptotic expansion of a class of integral transforms with algebraically dominated kernels. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 35 (2), pp. 405–433.
  • J. H. Hubbard and B. B. Hubbard (2002) Vector Calculus, Linear Algebra, and Differential Forms: A Unified Approach. 2nd edition, Prentice Hall Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ.
  • C. Hunter (1981) Two Parametric Eigenvalue Problems of Differential Equations. In Spectral Theory of Differential Operators (Birmingham, AL, 1981), North-Holland Math. Stud., Vol. 55, pp. 233–241.
  • 5: Bibliography C
  • CAOP (website) Work Group of Computational Mathematics, University of Kassel, Germany.
  • G. Chrystal (1959a) Algebra: An Elementary Textbook for the Higher Classes of Secondary Schools and for Colleges. 6th edition, Vol. 1, Chelsea Publishing Co., New York.
  • G. Chrystal (1959b) Algebra: An Elementary Textbook for the Higher Classes of Secondary Schools and for Colleges. 6th edition, Vol. 2, Chelsea Publishing Co., New York.
  • G. M. Cicuta and E. Montaldi (1975) Remarks on the full asymptotic expansion of Feynman parametrized integrals. Lett. Nuovo Cimento (2) 13 (8), pp. 310–312.
  • H. Cohen (1993) A Course in Computational Algebraic Number Theory. Springer-Verlag, Berlin-New York.
  • 6: 1.6 Vectors and Vector-Valued Functions
    §1.6(v) Surfaces and Integrals over Surfaces
    The area A ( S ) of a parametrized smooth surface is given by …The area is independent of the parametrizations. … The integral of a continuous function f ( x , y , z ) over a surface S is …