orthogonal invariance
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1: 35.4 Partitions and Zonal Polynomials
Orthogonal Invariance
…2: 35.7 Gaussian Hypergeometric Function of Matrix Argument
§35.7(iii) Partial Differential Equations
…3: 35.8 Generalized Hypergeometric Functions of Matrix Argument
4: Bille C. Carlson
►In theoretical physics he is known for the “Carlson-Keller Orthogonalization”, published in 1957, Orthogonalization Procedures and the Localization of Wannier Functions, and the “Carlson-Keller Theorem”, published in 1961, Eigenvalues of Density Matrices.
►This invariance usually replaces sets of twelve equations by sets of three equations and applies also to the relation between the first symmetric elliptic integral and the Jacobian functions.
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