of interval
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1: 7.23 Tables
Abramowitz and Stegun (1964, Chapter 7) includes , , , 10D; , , 8S; , , 7D; , , , 6S; , , 10D; , , 9D; , , , 7D; , , , , 15D.
Finn and Mugglestone (1965) includes the Voigt function , , , 6S.
Zhang and Jin (1996, pp. 638, 640–641) includes the real and imaginary parts of , , , 7D and 8D, respectively; the real and imaginary parts of , , , 8D, together with the corresponding modulus and phase to 8D and 6D (degrees), respectively.
2: 14.27 Zeros
(either side of the cut) has exactly one zero in the interval
if either of the following sets of conditions holds:
…For all other values of the parameters has no zeros in the interval
3: 26.15 Permutations: Matrix Notation
►If , then .
The number of derangements of is the number of permutations with forbidden positions .
►For , denotes after removal of all elements of the form or , .
denotes with the element removed.
►Let .
4: 14.16 Zeros
§14.16(ii) Interval
… ►The zeros of in the interval interlace those of . … ►§14.16(iii) Interval
► has exactly one zero in the interval if either of the following sets of conditions holds: … ► has no zeros in the interval when , and at most one zero in the interval when .5: 22.17 Moduli Outside the Interval [0,1]
§22.17 Moduli Outside the Interval [0,1]
… ►Jacobian elliptic functions with real moduli in the intervals and , or with purely imaginary moduli are related to functions with moduli in the interval by the following formulas. … ►For proofs of these results and further information see Walker (2003).6: 1.4 Calculus of One Variable
►Suppose is defined on .
►Then for continuous on ,
►for any , and .
…A similar definition applies to closed intervals
7: 18.40 Methods of Computation
►Let .
►Here is an interpolation of the abscissas , that is, , allowing differentiation by .
…The PWCF is a minimally oscillatory algebraic interpolation of the abscissas .
►This is a challenging case as the desired on has an essential singularity at .
►Further, exponential convergence in , via the Derivative Rule, rather than the power-law convergence of the histogram methods, is found for the inversion of Gegenbauer, Attractive, as well as Repulsive, Coulomb–Pollaczek, and Hermite weights and zeros to approximate for these OP systems on and respectively, Reinhardt (2018), and Reinhardt (2021b), Reinhardt (2021a).
8: 26.6 Other Lattice Path Numbers
is the number of paths from to that are composed of directed line segments of the form , , or .
is the number of lattice paths from to that stay on or above the line and are composed of directed line segments of the form , , or .
is the number of lattice paths from to that stay on or above the line , are composed of directed line segments of the form or , and for which there are exactly occurrences at which a segment of the form is followed by a segment of the form .
is the number of paths from to that stay on or above the diagonal and are composed of directed line segments of the form , , or .
9: 4.37 Inverse Hyperbolic Functions
►In (4.37.2) the integration path may not pass through either of the points , and the function assumes its principal value when .
►It should be noted that the imaginary axis is not a cut; the function defined by (4.37.19) and (4.37.20) is analytic everywhere except on .