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1—10 of 604 matching pages

1: 34.2 Definition: 3 j Symbol
§34.2 Definition: 3 j Symbol
The quantities j 1 , j 2 , j 3 in the 3 j symbol are called angular momenta. …They therefore satisfy the triangle conditions …where r , s , t is any permutation of 1 , 2 , 3 . The corresponding projective quantum numbers m 1 , m 2 , m 3 are given by …
2: Amparo Gil
In November 2015, Gil was named an Associate Editor of the following DLMF Chapter
  • 3: Javier Segura
    In November 2015, Segura was named an Associate Editor of the following DLMF Chapter
  • 4: Leonard C. Maximon
  • In November 2015, Maximon was named Associate Editor for Chapter 34.
    5: Guide to Searching the DLMF
    Wildcards allow matching patterns and marking parts of an expression that don’t matter (as for example, which variable name the author uses for a function): … You can use in math queries all the symbols and commands defined in  (you can omit the \ ), and some additional convenient ones, as well as the special functions’ names: … Note that the first form may match other functions K than the Bessel K function, so if you are sure you want Bessel K , you might as well enter one of the other 3 forms. … DLMF search is generally case-insensitive except when it is important to be case-sensitive, as when two different special functions have the same standard names but one name has a lower-case initial and the other is has an upper-case initial, such as si and Si, gamma and Gamma. … Sometimes there are distinctions between various special function names based on font style, such as the use of bold or calligraphic letters. …
    6: Ira Gessel
    In November 2015, Gessel was named Associate Editor of the following DLMF Chapter …
    7: Nico M. Temme
  • In November 2015, Temme was named Senior Associate Editor of the DLMF and Associate Editor for Chapters 3, 6, 7, and 12.
    8: Simon Ruijsenaars
    In November 2015, Ruijsenaars was named Senior Associate Editor of the DLMF and Associate Editor of the following DLMF Chapters …
    9: Karl Dilcher
    In November 2015, Dilcher was named Associate Editor for his chapter.
    10: T. Mark Dunster
    In November 2015, Dunster was named Associate Editor for his chapter.