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molecular spectroscopy


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1: 34.12 Physical Applications
§34.12 Physical Applications
The angular momentum coupling coefficients ( 3 j , 6 j , and 9 j symbols) are essential in the fields of nuclear, atomic, and molecular physics. For applications in nuclear structure, see de-Shalit and Talmi (1963); in atomic spectroscopy, see Biedenharn and van Dam (1965, pp. 134–200), Judd (1998), Sobelman (1992, Chapter 4), Shore and Menzel (1968, pp. 268–303), and Wigner (1959); in molecular spectroscopy and chemical reactions, see Burshtein and Temkin (1994, Chapter 5), and Judd (1975). …
2: Brian R. Judd
Judd’s books include Operator Techniques in Atomic Spectroscopy, published by McGraw-Hill in 1963 and reprinted by Princeton University Press in 1998, Second Quantization and Atomic Spectroscopy, published by Johns Hopkins in 1967, Topics in Atomic and Nuclear Theory (with J. …
3: Charles W. Clark
Clark’s current research interests are the dynamics of ultracold atoms and its application to quantum information, applications of synchrotron radiation, and the exploitation of atomic and molecular physics processes for new methods of neutron detection. … He has served as Chair of the Division of Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics of the APS, Chair of the Physics Section of the AAAS, and as Program Manager for Atomic, Molecular, and Quantum Physics at the U. …
4: Bibliography B
  • R. Blümel and W. P. Reinhardt (1997) Chaos in atomic physics. Cambridge Monographs on Atomic, Molecular and Chemical Physics, 10, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  • A. I. Burshtein and S. I. Temkin (1994) Spectroscopy of Molecular Rotation in Gases and Liquids. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  • 5: 7.21 Physical Applications
    These applications include astrophysics, plasma diagnostics, neutron diffraction, laser spectroscopy, and surface scattering. …
    6: 8.24 Physical Applications
    With more general values of p , E p ( x ) supplies fundamental auxiliary functions that are used in the computation of molecular electronic integrals in quantum chemistry (Harris (2002), Shavitt (1963)), and also wave acoustics of overlapping sound beams (Ding (2000)).
    7: Barry I. Schneider
    Schneider’s research interests spanned a broad number of areas of theoretical chemistry, atomic and molecular physics, numerical methods and high performance computing. …
    8: 14.31 Other Applications
    Legendre functions P ν ( x ) of complex degree ν appear in the application of complex angular momentum techniques to atomic and molecular scattering (Connor and Mackay (1979)). …
    9: 30.12 Generalized and Coulomb Spheroidal Functions
    Equation (30.12.1) appears in astrophysics and molecular physics. …
    10: Bibliography U
  • T. Uzer, J. T. Muckerman, and M. S. Child (1983) Collisions and umbilic catastrophes. The hyperbolic umbilic canonical diffraction integral. Molecular Phys. 50 (6), pp. 1215–1230.