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1—10 of 115 matching pages
1: 4.11 Sums
►For infinite series involving logarithms and/or exponentials, see Gradshteyn and Ryzhik (2015, Chapter 1), Hansen (1975, §44), and Prudnikov et al. (1986a, Chapter 5).
2: 4.22 Infinite Products and Partial Fractions
§4.22 Infinite Products and Partial Fractions
…3: 4.36 Infinite Products and Partial Fractions
§4.36 Infinite Products and Partial Fractions
…4: 25.8 Sums
5: 25.2 Definition and Expansions
§25.2(ii) Other Infinite Series
… ►
§25.2(iv) Infinite Products
6: Sidebar 5.SB1: Gamma & Digamma Phase Plots
►This pattern is analogous to one that would be seen in fluid flow generated by a semi-infinite line of vortices.
7: 5.8 Infinite Products
§5.8 Infinite Products
…8: 1.9 Calculus of a Complex Variable