essentially self-adjoint operator
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1: 1.18 Linear Second Order Differential Operators and Eigenfunction Expansions
Self-Adjoint and Symmetric Operators
… ►Formally Self-Adjoint and Self-Adjoint Differential Operators: Self-Adjoint Extensions
… ►Self-Adjoint Operators
… ► … ►Self-adjoint extensions of a symmetric Operator
…2: 18.36 Miscellaneous Polynomials
►These results are proven in Everitt et al. (2004), via construction of a self-adjoint Sturm–Liouville operator which generates the polynomials, self-adjointness implying both orthogonality and completeness.
►Completeness follows from the self-adjointness of , Everitt (2008).
►Completeness and orthogonality follow from the self-adjointness of the corresponding Schrödinger operator, Gómez-Ullate and Milson (2014), Marquette and Quesne (2013).
3: 12.15 Generalized Parabolic Cylinder Functions
►This equation arises in the study of non-self-adjoint elliptic boundary-value problems involving an indefinite weight function.
4: 18.39 Applications in the Physical Sciences
►The nature of, and notations and common vocabulary for, the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of self-adjoint second order differential operators is overviewed in §1.18.
►If is an arbitrary unit normalized function in the domain of then, by self-adjointness,
►noting that the are real, follows from the fact that the Schrödinger operator of (18.39.28) is self-adjoint, or from the direct derivation of Dunkl (2003).
►The radial operator (18.39.28)
►The Schrödinger operator essential singularity, seen in the accumulation of discrete eigenvalues for the attractive Coulomb problem, is mirrored in the accumulation of jumps in the discrete Pollaczek–Stieltjes measure as .
5: 1.3 Determinants, Linear Operators, and Spectral Expansions
§1.3(iv) Matrices as Linear Operators
… ►Self-Adjoint Operators on
… ►Real symmetric () and Hermitian () matrices are self-adjoint operators on . The spectrum of such self-adjoint operators consists of their eigenvalues, , and all . … ►For self-adjoint and , if , see (1.2.66), simultaneous eigenvectors of and always exist. …6: Bibliography R
Methods of Modern Mathematical Physics, Vol. 2, Fourier Analysis, Self-Adjointness.
Academic Press, New York.
Methods of Modern Mathematical Physics, Vol. 4, Analysis of Operators.
Academic Press, New York.
On the computation of Lamé functions, of eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of some potential operators.
Z. Angew. Math. Mech. 78 (1), pp. 66–72.
On the foundations of combinatorial theory. VIII. Finite operator calculus.
J. Math. Anal. Appl. 42, pp. 684–760.
On Simple Waves with Profiles in the form of some Special Functions—Chebyshev-Hermite, Mathieu, Whittaker—in Two-phase Media.
In Differential Operators and Related Topics, Vol. I (Odessa,
Operator Theory: Advances and Applications, Vol. 117, pp. 313–322.
7: 10.22 Integrals
8: Guide to Searching the DLMF
►Search queries are made up of terms, textual phrases, and math expressions, combined with Boolean operators:
Boolean operator:
proximity operator:
►DLMF search recognizes just the essential font differences, that is, the font style differences deemed important for the DLMF contents:
and and or
adj, prec/n, and near/n, where n is any positive natural number.
$ |
stands for any number of alphanumeric characters |
(the more conventional * is reserved for the multiplication operator) |
… |
9: Preface
► Stegun, editors); and to disseminate essentially the same information from a public website operated by NIST.