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1: 25.12 Polylogarithms
§25.12(i) Dilogarithms
The cosine series in (25.12.7) has the elementary sum … For graphics see Figures 25.12.1 and 25.12.2, and for further properties see Maximon (2003), Kirillov (1995), Lewin (1981), Nielsen (1909), and Zagier (1989). …
§25.12(ii) Polylogarithms
Further properties include …
2: 12.10 Uniform Asymptotic Expansions for Large Parameter
The turning points can be included if expansions in terms of Airy functions are used instead of elementary functions (§2.8(iii)). …
§12.10(ii) Negative a , 2 a < x <
§12.10(vi) Modifications of Expansions in Elementary Functions
The proof of the double asymptotic property then follows with the aid of error bounds; compare §10.41(iv). …
3: Bibliography N
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  • G. Nemes (2014c) The resurgence properties of the large order asymptotics of the Anger-Weber function II. J. Class. Anal. 4 (2), pp. 121–147.
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  • 4: Bibliography G
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