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complex arithmetic


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1: 3.1 Arithmetics and Error Measures
The last reference includes analogs for arithmetic in the complex plane . … For error measures for complex arithmetic see Olver (1983).
2: Bibliography O
  • F. W. J. Olver (1983) Error Analysis of Complex Arithmetic. In Computational Aspects of Complex Analysis (Braunlage, 1982), H. Werner, L. Wuytack, E. Ng, and H. J. Bünger (Eds.), NATO Adv. Sci. Inst. Ser. C: Math. Phys. Sci., Vol. 102, pp. 279–292.
  • 3: 3.8 Nonlinear Equations
    However, when the coefficients are all real, complex arithmetic can be avoided by the following iterative process. …
    4: Bibliography S
  • D. M. Smith (1998) Algorithm 786: Multiple-precision complex arithmetic and functions. ACM Trans. Math. Software 24 (4), pp. 359–367.
  • 5: Bibliography P
  • M. S. Petković and L. D. Petković (1998) Complex Interval Arithmetic and its Applications. Mathematical Research, Vol. 105, Wiley-VCH Verlag Berlin GmbH, Berlin.
  • 6: 1.9 Calculus of a Complex Variable
    Arithmetic Operations
    7: Bibliography M
  • mpmath (free python library)
  • 8: 22.20 Methods of Computation
    §22.20(ii) Arithmetic-Geometric Mean
    Then as n sequences { a n } , { b n } converge to a common limit M = M ( a 0 , b 0 ) , the arithmetic-geometric mean of a 0 , b 0 . … The rate of convergence is similar to that for the arithmetic-geometric mean. … using the arithmetic-geometric mean. … Alternatively, Sala (1989) shows how to apply the arithmetic-geometric mean to compute am ( x , k ) . …
    9: 19.22 Quadratic Transformations
    If x < p < y or y < p < x , then p + and p are complex conjugates.
    §19.22(ii) Gauss’s Arithmetic-Geometric Mean (AGM)
    The AGM, M ( a 0 , g 0 ) , of two positive numbers a 0 and g 0 is defined in §19.8(i). …As n , p n and ε n converge quadratically to M ( a 0 , g 0 ) and 0, respectively, and Q n converges to 0 faster than quadratically. … If x < z < y or y < z < x , then z + and z are complex conjugates. …
    10: Bibliography Y
  • A. Yu. Yeremin, I. E. Kaporin, and M. K. Kerimov (1985) The calculation of the Riemann zeta function in the complex domain. USSR Comput. Math. and Math. Phys. 25 (2), pp. 111–119.
  • A. Yu. Yeremin, I. E. Kaporin, and M. K. Kerimov (1988) Computation of the derivatives of the Riemann zeta-function in the complex domain. USSR Comput. Math. and Math. Phys. 28 (4), pp. 115–124.
  • J. M. Yohe (1979) Software for interval arithmetic: A reasonably portable package. ACM Trans. Math. Software 5 (1), pp. 50–63.