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Gauss–Laguerre formula


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11: Errata
We also discuss non-classical Laguerre polynomials and give much more details and examples on exceptional orthogonal polynomials. …
  • Equation (18.34.1)
    18.34.1 y n ( x ; a ) = F 0 2 ( n , n + a 1 ; x 2 ) = ( n + a 1 ) n ( x 2 ) n F 1 1 ( n 2 n a + 2 ; 2 x ) = n ! ( 1 2 x ) n L n ( 1 a 2 n ) ( 2 x 1 ) = ( 1 2 x ) 1 1 2 a e 1 / x W 1 1 2 a , 1 2 ( a 1 ) + n ( 2 x 1 )

    This equation was updated to include the definition of Bessel polynomials in terms of Laguerre polynomials and the Whittaker confluent hypergeometric function.

  • Chapter 35 Functions of Matrix Argument

    The generalized hypergeometric function of matrix argument F q p ( a 1 , , a p ; b 1 , , b q ; 𝐓 ) , was linked inadvertently as its single variable counterpart F q p ( a 1 , , a p ; b 1 , , b q ; 𝐓 ) . Furthermore, the Jacobi function of matrix argument P ν ( γ , δ ) ( 𝐓 ) , and the Laguerre function of matrix argument L ν ( γ ) ( 𝐓 ) , were also linked inadvertently (and incorrectly) in terms of the single variable counterparts given by P ν ( γ , δ ) ( 𝐓 ) , and L ν ( γ ) ( 𝐓 ) . In order to resolve these inconsistencies, these functions now link correctly to their respective definitions.

  • Subsections 15.4(i), 15.4(ii)

    Sentences were added specifying that some equations in these subsections require special care under certain circumstances. Also, (15.4.6) was expanded by adding the formula F ( a , b ; a ; z ) = ( 1 z ) b .

    Report by Louis Klauder on 2017-01-01.

  • Equation (18.15.22)

    Because of the use of the O order symbol on the right-hand side, the asymptotic expansion for the generalized Laguerre polynomial L n ( α ) ( ν x ) was rewritten as an equality.

  • 12: 18.2 General Orthogonal Polynomials
    §18.2(v) Christoffel–Darboux Formula
    Confluent Form
    For usage of the zeros of an OP in Gauss quadrature see §3.5(v). …
    Degree lowering and raising differentiation formulas and structure relations
    For a large class of OP’s p n there exist pairs of differentiation formulas