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of compact support


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1: 1.16 Distributions
If the support of ϕ is a compact set (§1.9(vii)), then ϕ is called a function of compact support. A test function is an infinitely differentiable function of compact support. … Let 𝒟 ( n ) = 𝒟 n be the set of all infinitely differentiable functions in n variables, ϕ ( x 1 , x 2 , , x n ) , with compact support in n . …A sequence { ϕ m } of functions in 𝒟 n converges to a function ϕ 𝒟 n if the supports of ϕ m lie in a fixed compact subset K of n and ϕ m ( k ) converges uniformly to ϕ ( k ) in K for every multi-index k = ( k 1 , k 2 , , k n ) . …
2: 1.18 Linear Second Order Differential Operators and Eigenfunction Expansions
For 𝒟 ( T ) we can take C 2 ( X ) , with appropriate boundary conditions, and with compact support if X is bounded, which space is dense in L 2 ( X ) , and for X unbounded require that possible non- L 2 eigenfunctions of (1.18.28), with real eigenvalues, are non-zero but bounded on open intervals, including ± . …
3: Bibliography K
  • T. H. Koornwinder (1994) Compact quantum groups and q -special functions. In Representations of Lie Groups and Quantum Groups, Pitman Res. Notes Math. Ser., Vol. 311, pp. 46–128.
  • C. Kormanyos (2011) Algorithm 910: a portable C++ multiple-precision system for special-function calculations. ACM Trans. Math. Software 37 (4), pp. Art. 45, 27.