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Wynn epsilon algorithm


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1: 3.9 Acceleration of Convergence
The ratio of the Hankel determinants in (3.9.9) can be computed recursively by Wynn’s epsilon algorithm: …
2: 18.40 Methods of Computation
Gautschi (2004, p. 119–120) has explored the ε 0 + limit via the Wynn ε -algorithm, (3.9.11) to accelerate convergence, finding four to eight digits of precision in w ( x ) , depending smoothly on x , for N 4000 , for an example involving first numerator Legendre OP’s. …
3: 3.11 Approximation Techniques
For the recursive computation of [ n + k / k ] f by Wynn’s epsilon algorithm, see (3.9.11) and the subsequent text. …
4: 2.11 Remainder Terms; Stokes Phenomenon
Similar improvements are achievable by Aitken’s Δ 2 -process, Wynn’s ϵ -algorithm, and other acceleration transformations. …