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21: 31.4 Solutions Analytic at Two Singularities: Heun Functions
§31.4 Solutions Analytic at Two Singularities: Heun Functions
For an infinite set of discrete values q m , m = 0 , 1 , 2 , , of the accessory parameter q , the function H ( a , q ; α , β , γ , δ ; z ) is analytic at z = 1 , and hence also throughout the disk | z | < a . To emphasize this property this set of functions is denoted by with ( s 1 , s 2 ) { 0 , 1 , a , } , denotes a set of solutions of (31.2.1), each of which is analytic at s 1 and s 2 . …
22: 4.15 Graphics
See accompanying text
Figure 4.15.4: arctan x and arccot x . … arccot x is discontinuous at x = 0 . Magnify
Figure 4.15.7 illustrates the conformal mapping of the strip 1 2 π < z < 1 2 π onto the whole w -plane cut along the real axis from to 1 and 1 to , where w = sin z and z = arcsin w (principal value). …Lines parallel to the real axis in the z -plane map onto ellipses in the w -plane with foci at w = ± 1 , and lines parallel to the imaginary axis in the z -plane map onto rectangular hyperbolas confocal with the ellipses. In the labeling of corresponding points r is a real parameter that can lie anywhere in the interval ( 0 , ) . … In the graphics shown in this subsection height corresponds to the absolute value of the function and color to the phase. …
23: 22.5 Special Values
§22.5(i) Special Values of z
Table 22.5.1 gives the value of each of the 12 Jacobian elliptic functions, together with its z -derivative (or at a pole, the residue), for values of z that are integer multiples of K , i K . For example, at z = K + i K , sn ( z , k ) = 1 / k , d sn ( z , k ) / d z = 0 . … Table 22.5.2 gives sn ( z , k ) , cn ( z , k ) , dn ( z , k ) for other special values of z . …
§22.5(ii) Limiting Values of k
24: 7.2 Definitions
erf z , erfc z , and w ( z ) are entire functions of z , as is F ( z ) in the next subsection.
Values at Infinity
lim z erfc z = 0 , | ph z | 1 4 π δ ( < 1 4 π ) .
( z ) , C ( z ) , and S ( z ) are entire functions of z , as are f ( z ) and g ( z ) in the next subsection.
Values at Infinity
25: 3.7 Ordinary Differential Equations
If the solution w ( z ) that we are seeking grows in magnitude at least as fast as all other solutions of (3.7.1) as we pass along 𝒫 from a to b , then w ( z ) and w ( z ) may be computed in a stable manner for z = z 0 , z 1 , , z P by successive application of (3.7.5) for j = 0 , 1 , , P 1 , beginning with initial values w ( a ) and w ( a ) . …
26: 8.2 Definitions and Basic Properties
The general values of the incomplete gamma functions γ ( a , z ) and Γ ( a , z ) are defined by …However, when the integration paths do not cross the negative real axis, and in the case of (8.2.2) exclude the origin, γ ( a , z ) and Γ ( a , z ) take their principal values; compare §4.2(i). Except where indicated otherwise in the DLMF these principal values are assumed. … When z 0 , Γ ( a , z ) is an entire function of a , and γ ( a , z ) is meromorphic with simple poles at a = n , n = 0 , 1 , 2 , , with residue ( 1 ) n / n ! . … If w = e z z 1 a Γ ( a , z ) , then …
27: 15.2 Definitions and Analytical Properties
again with analytic continuation for other values of z , and with the principal branch defined in a similar way. … The same is true of other branches, provided that z = 0 , 1 , and are excluded. As a multivalued function of z , 𝐅 ( a , b ; c ; z ) is analytic everywhere except for possible branch points at z = 0 , 1 , and . The same properties hold for F ( a , b ; c ; z ) , except that as a function of c , F ( a , b ; c ; z ) in general has poles at c = 0 , 1 , 2 , . … (Both interpretations give solutions of the hypergeometric differential equation (15.10.1), as does 𝐅 ( a , b ; c ; z ) , which is analytic at c = 0 , 1 , 2 , .) …
28: 8.21 Generalized Sine and Cosine Integrals
From §§8.2(i) and 8.2(ii) it follows that each of the four functions si ( a , z ) , ci ( a , z ) , Si ( a , z ) , and Ci ( a , z ) is a multivalued function of z with branch point at z = 0 . Furthermore, si ( a , z ) and ci ( a , z ) are entire functions of a , and Si ( a , z ) and Ci ( a , z ) are meromorphic functions of a with simple poles at a = 1 , 3 , 5 , and a = 0 , 2 , 4 , , respectively. … When ph z = 0 (and when a 1 , 3 , 5 , , in the case of Si ( a , z ) , or a 0 , 2 , 4 , , in the case of Ci ( a , z ) ) the principal values of si ( a , z ) , ci ( a , z ) , Si ( a , z ) , and Ci ( a , z ) are defined by (8.21.1) and (8.21.2) with the incomplete gamma functions assuming their principal values8.2(i)). Elsewhere in the sector | ph z | π the principal values are defined by analytic continuation from ph z = 0 ; compare §4.2(i). From here on it is assumed that unless indicated otherwise the functions si ( a , z ) , ci ( a , z ) , Si ( a , z ) , and Ci ( a , z ) have their principal values. …
29: 6.2 Definitions and Interrelations
The principal value of the exponential integral E 1 ( z ) is defined by …As in the case of the logarithm (§4.2(i)) there is a cut along the interval ( , 0 ] and the principal value is two-valued on ( , 0 ) . Unless indicated otherwise, it is assumed throughout the DLMF that E 1 ( z ) assumes its principal value. …
Values at Infinity
30: 10.75 Tables
  • Abramowitz and Stegun (1964, p. 373) tabulates the three smallest zeros of Y 0 ( z ) , Y 1 ( z ) , Y 1 ( z ) in the sector 0 < ph z π , together with the corresponding values of Y 1 ( z ) , Y 0 ( z ) , Y 1 ( z ) , respectively, to 9D. (There is an error in the value of Y 0 ( z ) at the 3rd zero of Y 1 ( z ) : the last four digits should be 2533; see Amos (1985).)