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plasma dispersion function


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1: 7.21 Physical Applications
§7.21 Physical Applications
Fried and Conte (1961) mentions the role of w ( z ) in the theory of linearized waves or oscillations in a hot plasma; w ( z ) is called the plasma dispersion function or Faddeeva (or Faddeyeva) function; see Faddeeva and Terent’ev (1954). …
2: Bibliography F
  • B. D. Fried and S. D. Conte (1961) The Plasma Dispersion Function: The Hilbert Transform of the Gaussian. Academic Press, London-New York.
  • 3: Bibliography M
  • R. L. Mace and M. A. Hellberg (1995) A dispersion function for plasmas containing superthermal particles. Physics of Plasmas 2 (6), pp. 2098–2109.