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parabolic cylinder coordinates


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1: 12.17 Physical Applications
§12.17 Physical Applications
By using instead coordinates of the parabolic cylinder ξ , η , ζ , defined by …
2: Bibliography M
  • W. Miller (1974) Lie theory and separation of variables. I: Parabolic cylinder coordinates. SIAM J. Math. Anal. 5 (4), pp. 626–643.
  • 3: Bibliography R
  • H. A. Ragheb, L. Shafai, and M. Hamid (1991) Plane wave scattering by a conducting elliptic cylinder coated by a nonconfocal dielectric. IEEE Trans. Antennas and Propagation 39 (2), pp. 218–223.
  • W. Reinhardt (1982) Complex Coordinates in the Theory of Atomic and Molecular Structure and Dynamics. Annual Review of Physical Chemistry 33, pp. 223–255.
  • S. O. Rice (1954) Diffraction of plane radio waves by a parabolic cylinder. Calculation of shadows behind hills. Bell System Tech. J. 33, pp. 417–504.