nuclear structure
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1: 34.12 Physical Applications
§34.12 Physical Applications
… ►For applications in nuclear structure, see de-Shalit and Talmi (1963); in atomic spectroscopy, see Biedenharn and van Dam (1965, pp. 134–200), Judd (1998), Sobelman (1992, Chapter 4), Shore and Menzel (1968, pp. 268–303), and Wigner (1959); in molecular spectroscopy and chemical reactions, see Burshtein and Temkin (1994, Chapter 5), and Judd (1975). …2: Bibliography
Study of nuclear structure by electromagnetic excitation with accelerated ions.
Rev. Mod. Phys. 28, pp. 432–542.
3: 33.22 Particle Scattering and Atomic and Molecular Spectra
§33.22(i) Schrödinger Equation
… ► . … ►Customary variables are in atomic physics and in atomic and nuclear physics. … ►§33.22(iv) Klein–Gordon and Dirac Equations
… ►The motion of a relativistic electron in a Coulomb field, which arises in the theory of the electronic structure of heavy elements (Johnson (2007)), is described by a Dirac equation. …4: Bibliography J
The birth of the giant component.
Random Structures Algorithms 4 (3), pp. 231–358.
REMES2 — a Fortran program to calculate rational minimax approximations to a given function.
Technical Report
Technical Report AECL-4210, Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories, Chalk River, Ontario.
Atomic Structure Theory: Lectures on Atomic Physics.
Springer, Berlin and Heidelberg.