in the complex plane
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1: 14.26 Uniform Asymptotic Expansions
►The uniform asymptotic approximations given in §14.15 for and for are extended to domains in the complex plane in the following references: §§14.15(i) and 14.15(ii), Dunster (2003b); §14.15(iii), Olver (1997b, Chapter 12); §14.15(iv), Boyd and Dunster (1986).
2: Sidebar 5.SB1: Gamma & Digamma Phase Plots
►The color encoded phases of (above) and (below), are constrasted in the negative half of the complex plane.
3: 35.5 Bessel Functions of Matrix Argument
4: 1.9 Calculus of a Complex Variable
►Also, the union of and its limit points is the closure of .
Jordan Curve Theorem
… ►§1.9(iv) Conformal Mapping
…5: 9.19 Approximations
§9.19(iii) Approximations in the Complex Plane
…6: 4.37 Inverse Hyperbolic Functions
7: 4.5 Inequalities
8: 5.23 Approximations
§5.23(iii) Approximations in the Complex Plane
…9: 18.24 Hahn Class: Asymptotic Approximations
►When the parameters and are fixed and the ratio is a constant in the interval (0,1), uniform asymptotic formulas (as ) of the Hahn polynomials can be found in Lin and Wong (2013) for
in three overlapping regions, which together cover the entire complex plane.