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1: Gergő Nemes
►Nemes has research interests in asymptotic analysis, Écalle theory, exact WKB analysis, and special functions.
2: 13.28 Physical Applications
§13.28(i) Exact Solutions of the Wave Equation
…3: 24.20 Tables
4: 34.14 Tables
►Tables of exact values of the squares of the and symbols in which all parameters are are given in Rotenberg et al. (1959), together with a bibliography of earlier tables of , and symbols on pp.
5: 35.9 Applications
►For other statistical applications of functions of matrix argument see Perlman and Olkin (1980), Groeneboom and Truax (2000), Bhaumik and Sarkar (2002), Richards (2004) (monotonicity of power functions of multivariate statistical test criteria), Bingham et al. (1992) (Procrustes analysis), and Phillips (1986) (exact distributions of statistical test criteria).
6: 3.1 Arithmetics and Error Measures
§3.1(iii) Rational Arithmetics
►Computer algebra systems use exact rational arithmetic with rational numbers , where and are multi-length integers. …7: 5.10 Continued Fractions
8: 9.16 Physical Applications
►An example from quantum mechanics is given in Landau and Lifshitz (1965), in which the exact solution of the Schrödinger equation for the motion of a particle in a homogeneous external field is expressed in terms of .
9: 27.13 Functions
►The exact value of is now known for every .
►Exact formulas for have also been found for , and , and for all even .
10: Bibliography L
Exact computation of the - and - symbols.
Comput. Phys. Comm. 61 (3), pp. 350–360.
Exact computation of the - symbols.
Comput. Phys. Comm. 70 (3), pp. 544–556.
Exact operator solution of the Calogero-Sutherland model.
Comm. Math. Phys. 178 (2), pp. 425–452.
Microwave specific attenuation by oblate spheroidal raindrops: An exact analysis of TCS’s in terms of spheroidal wave functions.
J. Electromagn. Waves Appl. 12 (6), pp. 709–711.