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dynamical systems


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1: 32.16 Physical Applications
§32.16 Physical Applications
Integrable Continuous Dynamical Systems
2: 28.33 Physical Applications
  • McLachlan (1947, Chapter XV) for amplitude distortion in moving-coil loud-speakers, frequency modulation, dynamical systems, and vibration of stretched strings.

  • 3: Bibliography N
  • M. Noumi and Y. Yamada (1998) Affine Weyl groups, discrete dynamical systems and Painlevé equations. Comm. Math. Phys. 199 (2), pp. 281–295.
  • 4: Barry I. Schneider
    Schneider served as Chair and Co-Chair of the APS Division of Computational Physics and the Topical Group on Few-Body Systems and Multipartical Dynamics and has been the organizer of a number of conferences and invited sessions in the US and abroad. …
    5: Bibliography D
  • R. L. Devaney (1986) An Introduction to Chaotic Dynamical Systems. The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Co. Inc., Menlo Park, CA.
  • 6: 13.28 Physical Applications
    For dynamics of many-body systems see Meden and Schönhammer (1992); for tomography see D’Ariano et al. (1994); for generalized coherent states see Barut and Girardello (1971); for relativistic cosmology see Crisóstomo et al. (2004).
    7: Bibliography
  • J. V. Armitage (1989) The Riemann Hypothesis and the Hamiltonian of a Quantum Mechanical System. In Number Theory and Dynamical Systems (York, 1987), M. M. Dodson and J. A. G. Vickers (Eds.), London Math. Soc. Lecture Note Ser., Vol. 134, pp. 153–172.
  • 8: Bruce R. Miller
    There, he carried out research in non-linear dynamics and celestial mechanics, developing a specialized computer algebra system for high-order Lie transformations. …
    9: Bibliography S
  • J. Shao and P. Hänggi (1998) Decoherent dynamics of a two-level system coupled to a sea of spins. Phys. Rev. Lett. 81 (26), pp. 5710–5713.
  • 10: 18.39 Applications in the Physical Sciences
    As in classical dynamics this sum is the total energy of the one particle system. …