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as associated type 2 Pollaczek polynomials


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1: 18.30 Associated OP’s
They can be expressed in terms of type 3 Pollaczek polynomials (which are also associated type 2 Pollaczek polynomials) by (18.35.10). … The type 3 Pollaczek polynomials are the associated type 2 Pollaczek polynomials, see §18.35. …
2: 18.35 Pollaczek Polynomials
As in the coefficients of the above recurrence relations n and c only occur in the form n + c , the type 3 Pollaczek polynomials may also be called the associated type 2 Pollaczek polynomials by using the terminology of §18.30. …
3: Bibliography B
  • P. Barrucand and D. Dickinson (1968) On the Associated Legendre Polynomials. In Orthogonal Expansions and their Continuous Analogues (Proc. Conf., Edwardsville, Ill., 1967), pp. 43–50.
  • S. L. Belousov (1962) Tables of Normalized Associated Legendre Polynomials. Pergamon Press, The Macmillan Co., Oxford-New York.
  • R. Bo and R. Wong (1996) Asymptotic behavior of the Pollaczek polynomials and their zeros. Stud. Appl. Math. 96, pp. 307–338.
  • R. Bo and R. Wong (1999) A uniform asymptotic formula for orthogonal polynomials associated with exp ( x 4 ) . J. Approx. Theory 98, pp. 146–166.
  • C. Brezinski (1980) Padé-type Approximation and General Orthogonal Polynomials. International Series of Numerical Mathematics, Vol. 50, Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel.
  • 4: 18.39 Applications in the Physical Sciences
    §18.39(iv) Coulomb–Pollaczek Polynomials and J-Matrix Methods
    The recursion of (18.39.46) is that for the type 2 Pollaczek polynomials of (18.35.2), with λ = l + 1 , a = b = 2 Z / s , and c = 0 , and terminates for x = x i N being a zero of the polynomial of order N . …are determined by the N zeros, x i N of the Pollaczek polynomial P N ( l + 1 ) ( x ; 2 Z s , 2 Z s ) .
    The Coulomb–Pollaczek Polynomials
    The polynomials P N ( l + 1 ) ( x ; 2 Z s , 2 Z s ) , for both positive and negative Z , define the Coulomb–Pollaczek polynomials (CP OP’s in what follows), see Yamani and Reinhardt (1975, Appendix B, and §IV). …
    5: Bibliography P
  • R. B. Paris (2005a) A Kummer-type transformation for a F 2 2 hypergeometric function. J. Comput. Appl. Math. 173 (2), pp. 379–382.
  • F. Pollaczek (1949a) Sur une généralisation des polynomes de Legendre. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris 228, pp. 1363–1365.
  • F. Pollaczek (1949b) Systèmes de polynomes biorthogonaux qui généralisent les polynomes ultrasphériques. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris 228, pp. 1998–2000.
  • F. Pollaczek (1950) Sur une famille de polynômes orthogonaux à quatre paramètres. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris 230, pp. 2254–2256.
  • S. Porubský (1998) Voronoi type congruences for Bernoulli numbers. In Voronoi’s Impact on Modern Science. Book I, P. Engel and H. Syta (Eds.),
  • 6: 18.2 General Orthogonal Polynomials
    This happens, for example, with the continuous Hahn polynomials and Meixner–Pollaczek polynomials18.20(i)). …
    §18.2(x) Orthogonal Polynomials and Continued Fractions
    Define the first associated monic orthogonal polynomials p n ( 1 ) ( x ) as monic OP’s satisfying … The generating functions (18.12.13), (18.12.15), (18.23.3), (18.23.4), (18.23.5) and (18.23.7) for Laguerre, Hermite, Krawtchouk, Meixner, Charlier and Meixner–Pollaczek polynomials, respectively, can be written in the form (18.2.45). …