analytic continuation
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1: 6.4 Analytic Continuation
§6.4 Analytic Continuation
►Analytic continuation of the principal value of yields a multi-valued function with branch points at and . … ►
2: 28.7 Analytic Continuation of Eigenvalues
3: 14.24 Analytic Continuation
§14.24 Analytic Continuation
…4: 10.34 Analytic Continuation
§10.34 Analytic Continuation
…5: 17.5 Functions
►This equation can be used as the analytic continuation for this .
►This equation can be used as the analytic continuation for this .
6: 10.11 Analytic Continuation
§10.11 Analytic Continuation
…7: 15.17 Mathematical Applications
►By considering, as a group, all analytic transformations of a basis of solutions under analytic continuation around all paths on the Riemann sheet, we obtain the monodromy group.
8: 16.15 Integral Representations and Integrals
►These representations can be used to derive analytic continuations of the Appell functions, including convergent series expansions for large , large , or both.
9: 8.2 Definitions and Basic Properties
§8.2(ii) Analytic Continuation
…10: 18.40 Methods of Computation