Whittaker equation
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1: 28.32 Mathematical Applications
§28.32(ii) Paraboloidal Coordinates
… ►is separated in this system, each of the separated equations can be reduced to the Whittaker–Hill equation (28.31.1), in which are separation constants. …2: 13.14 Definitions and Basic Properties
§13.14(i) Differential Equation
►Whittaker’s Equation
… ►Standard solutions are: … ►
§13.14(v) Numerically Satisfactory Solutions
…3: 13.28 Physical Applications
4: Bibliography U
Theory of the Whittaker-Hill equation.
Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A 69, pp. 28–44.
5: 28.31 Equations of Whittaker–Hill and Ince
§28.31 Equations of Whittaker–Hill and Ince
►§28.31(i) Whittaker–Hill Equation
… ►and constant values of , and , is called the Equation of Whittaker–Hill. …6: 28.34 Methods of Computation
7: 13.18 Relations to Other Functions
8: 13.25 Products
9: 13.27 Mathematical Applications
►For applications of Whittaker functions to the uniform asymptotic theory of differential equations with a coalescing turning point and simple pole see §§2.8(vi) and 18.15(i).