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Steed algorithm


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1: 3.10 Continued Fractions
Steed’s Algorithm
Alternatives to Steed’s algorithm are the Lentz algorithm Lentz (1976) and the modified Lentz algorithm Thompson and Barnett (1986). …
2: Bibliography T
  • I. J. Thompson and A. R. Barnett (1986) Coulomb and Bessel functions of complex arguments and order. J. Comput. Phys. 64 (2), pp. 490–509.
  • 3: Bibliography L
  • W. J. Lentz (1976) Generating Bessel functions in Mie scattering calculations using continued fractions. Applied Optics 15 (3), pp. 668–671.
  • 4: Errata
  • Paragraph Steed’s Algorithm (in §3.10(iii))

    A sentence was added to inform the reader of alternatives to Steed’s algorithm, namely the Lentz algorithm (see e.g., Lentz (1976)) and the modified Lentz algorithm (see e.g., Thompson and Barnett (1986)).

  • 5: Bibliography B
  • D. H. Bailey (1993) Algorithm 719: Multiprecision translation and execution of Fortran programs. ACM Trans. Math. Software 19 (3), pp. 288–319.
  • A. R. Barnett, D. H. Feng, J. W. Steed, and L. J. B. Goldfarb (1974) Coulomb wave functions for all real η and ρ . Comput. Phys. Comm. 8 (5), pp. 377–395.
  • A. R. Barnett (1981a) An algorithm for regular and irregular Coulomb and Bessel functions of real order to machine accuracy. Comput. Phys. Comm. 21 (3), pp. 297–314.
  • A. R. Barnett (1982) COULFG: Coulomb and Bessel functions and their derivatives, for real arguments, by Steed’s method. Comput. Phys. Comm. 27, pp. 147–166.
  • A. R. Booker, A. Strömbergsson, and H. Then (2013) Bounds and algorithms for the K -Bessel function of imaginary order. LMS J. Comput. Math. 16, pp. 78–108.