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Riccati–Bessel functions


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1: 10.21 Zeros
§10.21(xi) RiccatiBessel Functions
The RiccatiBessel functions are ( 1 2 π x ) 1 2 J ν ( x ) and ( 1 2 π x ) 1 2 Y ν ( x ) . …For information on the zeros of the derivatives of RiccatiBessel functions, and also on zeros of their cross-products, see Boyer (1969). …
2: Bibliography O
  • H. Oser (1960) Algorithm 22: Riccati-Bessel functions of first and second kind. Comm. ACM 3 (11), pp. 600–601.
  • 3: 10.75 Tables
  • Zhang and Jin (1996, pp. 296–305) tabulates 𝗃 n ( x ) , 𝗃 n ( x ) , 𝗒 n ( x ) , 𝗒 n ( x ) , 𝗂 n ( 1 ) ( x ) , 𝗂 n ( 1 ) ( x ) , 𝗄 n ( x ) , 𝗄 n ( x ) , n = 0 ( 1 ) 10 ( 10 ) 30 , 50, 100, x = 1 , 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 8S; x 𝗃 n ( x ) , ( x 𝗃 n ( x ) ) , x 𝗒 n ( x ) , ( x 𝗒 n ( x ) ) (RiccatiBessel functions and their derivatives), n = 0 ( 1 ) 10 ( 10 ) 30 , 50, 100, x = 1 , 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 8S; real and imaginary parts of 𝗃 n ( z ) , 𝗃 n ( z ) , 𝗒 n ( z ) , 𝗒 n ( z ) , 𝗂 n ( 1 ) ( z ) , 𝗂 n ( 1 ) ( z ) , 𝗄 n ( z ) , 𝗄 n ( z ) , n = 0 ( 1 ) 15 , 20(10)50, 100, z = 4 + 2 i , 20 + 10 i , 8S. (For the notation replace j , y , i , k by 𝗃 , 𝗒 , 𝗂 ( 1 ) , 𝗄 , respectively.)

  • 4: 32.10 Special Function Solutions
    For certain combinations of the parameters, P II P VI  have particular solutions expressible in terms of the solution of a Riccati differential equation, which can be solved in terms of special functions defined in other chapters. …
    §32.10(iii) Third Painlevé Equation
    In the case ε 1 α + ε 2 β = 2 , the Riccati equation is … In the case when n = 0 in (32.10.23), the Riccati equation is … If n = 1 , then the Riccati equation is …
    5: Bibliography G
  • B. Gabutti (1979) On high precision methods for computing integrals involving Bessel functions. Math. Comp. 33 (147), pp. 1049–1057.
  • A. Gervois and H. Navelet (1985a) Integrals of three Bessel functions and Legendre functions. I. J. Math. Phys. 26 (4), pp. 633–644.
  • A. Gervois and H. Navelet (1985b) Integrals of three Bessel functions and Legendre functions. II. J. Math. Phys. 26 (4), pp. 645–655.
  • K. I. Gross and R. A. Kunze (1976) Bessel functions and representation theory. I. J. Functional Analysis 22 (2), pp. 73–105.
  • D. P. Gupta and M. E. Muldoon (2000) Riccati equations and convolution formulae for functions of Rayleigh type. J. Phys. A 33 (7), pp. 1363–1368.
  • 6: Bibliography S
  • L. Z. Salchev and V. B. Popov (1976) A property of the zeros of cross-product Bessel functions of different orders. Z. Angew. Math. Mech. 56 (2), pp. 120–121.
  • J. Segura, P. Fernández de Córdoba, and Yu. L. Ratis (1997) A code to evaluate modified Bessel functions based on the continued fraction method. Comput. Phys. Comm. 105 (2-3), pp. 263–272.
  • J. Segura (2001) Bounds on differences of adjacent zeros of Bessel functions and iterative relations between consecutive zeros. Math. Comp. 70 (235), pp. 1205–1220.
  • D. R. Smith (1986) Liouville-Green approximations via the Riccati transformation. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 116 (1), pp. 147–165.
  • D. R. Smith (1990) A Riccati approach to the Airy equation. In Asymptotic and computational analysis (Winnipeg, MB, 1989), R. Wong (Ed.), pp. 403–415.