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Andrews? q-Dyson conjecture


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1: 17.14 Constant Term Identities
Zeilberger–Bressoud Theorem (Andrews’ q -Dyson Conjecture)
Macdonald (1982) includes extensive conjectures on generalizations of (17.14.1) to root systems. These conjectures were proved in Cherednik (1995), Habsieger (1986), and Kadell (1994); see also Macdonald (1998). …
2: Bibliography Z
  • D. Zeilberger and D. M. Bressoud (1985) A proof of Andrews’ q -Dyson conjecture. Discrete Math. 54 (2), pp. 201–224.
  • 3: 16.23 Mathematical Applications
    §16.23(iii) Conformal Mapping
    The Bieberbach conjecture states that if n = 0 a n z n is a conformal map of the unit disk to any complex domain, then | a n | n | a 1 | . In the proof of this conjecture de Branges (1985) uses the inequality …
    4: David M. Bressoud
     227, in 1980, Factorization and Primality Testing, published by Springer-Verlag in 1989, Second Year Calculus from Celestial Mechanics to Special Relativity, published by Springer-Verlag in 1992, A Radical Approach to Real Analysis, published by the Mathematical Association of America in 1994, with a second edition in 2007, Proofs and Confirmations: The Story of the Alternating Sign Matrix Conjecture, published by the Mathematical Association of America and Cambridge University Press in 1999, A Course in Computational Number Theory (with S. …
    5: 27.13 Functions
    §27.13(ii) Goldbach Conjecture
    This conjecture dates back to 1742 and was undecided in 2009, although it has been confirmed numerically up to very large numbers. … The current status of Goldbach’s conjecture is described in the Wikipedia. … Hardy and Littlewood (1925) conjectures that G ( k ) < 2 k + 1 when k is not a power of 2, and that G ( k ) 4 k when k is a power of 2, but the most that is known (in 2009) is G ( k ) < c k ln k for some constant c . …
    6: 21.9 Integrable Equations
    Following the work of Krichever (1976), Novikov conjectured that the Riemann theta function in (21.9.4) gives rise to a solution of the KP equation (21.9.3) if, and only if, the theta function originates from a Riemann surface; see Dubrovin (1981, §IV.4). The first part of this conjecture was established in Krichever (1976); the second part was proved in Shiota (1986). …
    7: Bibliography Y
  • A. J. Yee (2004) Partitions with difference conditions and Alder’s conjecture. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 101 (47), pp. 16417–16418.
  • 8: 18.38 Mathematical Applications
    also the case β = 0 of (18.14.26), was used in de Branges’ proof of the long-standing Bieberbach conjecture concerning univalent functions on the unit disk in the complex plane. …
    9: Richard A. Askey
    This inequality was a key element of Louis de Branges’ proof of the Bieberbach conjecture in 1985. …
    10: 17.13 Integrals
    Askey (1980) conjectured extensions of the foregoing integrals that are closely related to Macdonald (1982). These conjectures are proved independently in Habsieger (1988) and Kadell (1988).