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1: 18.36 Miscellaneous Polynomials
§18.36(vi) Exceptional Orthogonal Polynomials
The exceptional type III X m -EOP’s are missing orders 1 , , m . … The resulting EOP’s, L ^ n ( k ) ( x ) , n = 1 , 2 , satisfy … The y ( x ) = L ^ n ( k ) ( x ) satisfy a second order Sturm–Liouville eigenvalue problem of the type illustrated in Table 18.8.1, as satisfied by classical OP’s, but now with rational, rather than polynomial coefficients: … The type III X 2 -Hermite EOP’s, missing polynomial orders 1 and 2 , are the complete set of polynomials, with real coefficients and defined explicitly as …
2: 19.38 Approximations
§19.38 Approximations
3: Bibliography Q
  • C. Quesne (2011) Higher-Order SUSY, Exactly Solvable Potentials, and Exceptional Orthogonal Polynomials. Modern Physics Letters A 26, pp. 1843–1852.
  • 4: 18.41 Tables
    The precision is 10D, except for H n ( x ) which is 6-11S. …
    5: 25.1 Special Notation
    k , m , n nonnegative integers.
    ψ ( x ) digamma function Γ ( x ) / Γ ( x ) except in §25.16. See §5.2(i).
    6: 22.1 Special Notation
    x , y real variables.
    k modulus. Except in §§22.3(iv), 22.17, and 22.19, 0 k 1 .
    q nome. 0 q < 1 except in §22.17; see also §20.1.
    7: 23.1 Special Notation
    𝕃 lattice in .
    m integer, except in §23.20(ii).
    z = x + i y complex variable, except in §§23.20(ii), 23.21(iii).
    primes derivatives with respect to the variable, except where indicated otherwise.
    8: 28.7 Analytic Continuation of Eigenvalues
    The branch points are called the exceptional values, and the other points normal values. The normal values are simple roots of the corresponding equations (28.2.21) and (28.2.22). …
    9: 1.1 Special Notation
    x , y real variables.
    primes derivatives with respect to the variable, except where indicated otherwise.
    10: 5.1 Special Notation
    j , m , n nonnegative integers.
    k nonnegative integer, except in §5.20.