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1: 31.17 Physical Applications
Heun functions appear in the theory of black holes (Kerr (1963), Teukolsky (1972), Chandrasekhar (1984), Suzuki et al. (1998), Kalnins et al. (2000)), lattice systems in statistical mechanics (Joyce (1973, 1994)), dislocation theory (Lay and Slavyanov (1999)), and solution of the Schrödinger equation of quantum mechanics (Bay et al. (1997), Tolstikhin and Matsuzawa (2001), and Hall et al. (2010)). …
2: Bibliography T
  • O. I. Tolstikhin and M. Matsuzawa (2001) Hyperspherical elliptic harmonics and their relation to the Heun equation. Phys. Rev. A 63 (032510), pp. 1–8.