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rolling of ships


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1: 28.33 Physical Applications
  • Vedeler (1950) for ships rolling among waves.

  • 2: 36.13 Kelvin’s Ship-Wave Pattern
    §36.13 Kelvin’s Ship-Wave Pattern
    A ship moving with constant speed V on deep water generates a surface gravity wave. In a reference frame where the ship is at rest we use polar coordinates r and ϕ with ϕ = 0 in the direction of the velocity of the water relative to the ship. … When ρ > 1 , that is, everywhere except close to the ship, the integrand oscillates rapidly. … For further information see Lord Kelvin (1891, 1905) and Ursell (1960, 1994).
    3: Bibliography V
  • G. Vedeler (1950) A Mathieu equation for ships rolling among waves. I, II. Norske Vid. Selsk. Forh., Trondheim 22 (25–26), pp. 113–123.
  • 4: Bibliography U
  • F. Ursell (1960) On Kelvin’s ship-wave pattern. J. Fluid Mech. 8 (3), pp. 418–431.
  • F. Ursell (1994) Ship Hydrodynamics, Water Waves and Asymptotics. Collected works of F. Ursell, 1946-1992, Vol. 2, World Scientific, Singapore.
  • 5: Bibliography H
  • M. H. Hirata (1975) Flow near the bow of a steadily turning ship. J. Fluid Mech. 71 (2), pp. 283–291.
  • 6: Bibliography L
  • Lord Kelvin (1905) Deep water ship-waves. Phil. Mag. 9, pp. 733–757.