relations to Dawson integral and exponential integral
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1: 7.5 Interrelations
2: 12.7 Relations to Other Functions
§12.7 Relations to Other Functions
►§12.7(i) Hermite Polynomials
… ►§12.7(ii) Error Functions, Dawson’s Integral, and Probability Function
… ►§12.7(iii) Modified Bessel Functions
… ►§12.7(iv) Confluent Hypergeometric Functions
…3: Bibliography C
Table of integrals of squared Jacobian elliptic functions and reductions of related hypergeometric -functions.
Math. Comp. 75 (255), pp. 1309–1318.
A numerical method for generalized exponential integrals.
Comput. Math. Appl. 14 (4), pp. 261–268.
Chebyshev approximations for Dawson’s integral.
Math. Comp. 24 (109), pp. 171–178.
Performance evaluation of programs related to the real gamma function.
ACM Trans. Math. Software 17 (1), pp. 46–54.
Applications of the complex exponential integral.
Math. Comp. 15 (73), pp. 1–6.
4: 7.2 Definitions
, , and are entire functions of , as is in the next subsection.
§7.2(ii) Dawson’s Integral
… ►§7.2(iii) Fresnel Integrals
… ►§7.2(iv) Auxiliary Functions
… ►§7.2(v) Goodwin–Staton Integral
…5: 7.1 Special Notation
►Unless otherwise noted, primes indicate derivatives with respect to the argument.
►The main functions treated in this chapter are the error function ; the complementary error functions and ; Dawson’s integral
; the Fresnel integrals
, , and ; the Goodwin–Staton integral
; the repeated integrals of the complementary error function ; the Voigt functions and .
►Alternative notations are , , , , , , , .
6: 8.11 Asymptotic Approximations and Expansions
►in both cases uniformly with respect to bounded real values of .
For Dawson’s integral
see §7.2(ii).
…For related expansions involving Hermite polynomials see Pagurova (1965).
►This reference also contains explicit formulas for the coefficients in terms of Stirling numbers.
►With , an asymptotic expansion of follows from (8.11.14) and (8.11.16).