lemniscate arc length
(0.000 seconds)
1—10 of 28 matching pages
1: 22.18 Mathematical Applications
§22.18(i) Lengths and Parametrization of Plane Curves
… ►The arc length in the first quadrant, measured from , is … ►Lemniscate
… ►The arc length , measured from , is …2: 4.42 Solution of Triangles
3: 19.30 Lengths of Plane Curves
§19.30 Lengths of Plane Curves
… ►The length of the ellipse is … ►§19.30(iii) Bernoulli’s Lemniscate
►For , the arclength of Bernoulli’s lemniscate …The perimeter length of the lemniscate is given by …4: 7.20 Mathematical Applications
►Then the arc length between the origin and equals , and is directly proportional to the curvature at , which equals .
5: 28.33 Physical Applications
►We shall derive solutions to the uniform, homogeneous, loss-free, and stretched elliptical ring membrane with mass per unit area, and radial tension per unit arc length.
►If the parameters of a physical system vary periodically with time, then the question of stability arises, for example, a mathematical pendulum whose length varies as .
6: Sidebar 9.SB1: Supernumerary Rainbows
►The faint line below the main colored arc is a ‘supernumerary rainbow’, produced by the interference of different sun-rays traversing a raindrop and emerging in the same direction.
7: 19.20 Special Cases
►The first lemniscate constant is given by
, .
►The second lemniscate constant is given by
8: 32.14 Combinatorics
►With , is said to be an increasing
subsequence of of length
when .
Let be the length of the longest increasing subsequence of .
9: Bibliography T
The lemniscate constants.
Comm. ACM 18 (1), pp. 14–19.