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1: 27.17 Other Applications
►Reed et al. (1990, pp. 458–470) describes a number-theoretic approach to Fourier analysis (called the arithmetic Fourier transform) that uses the Möbius inversion (27.5.7) to increase efficiency in computing coefficients of Fourier series.
2: 33.23 Methods of Computation
►Cancellation errors increase with increases in and , and may be estimated by comparing the final sum of the series with the largest partial sum.
Use of extended-precision arithmetic increases the radial range that yields accurate results, but eventually other methods must be employed, for example, the asymptotic expansions of §§33.11 and 33.21.
►Thus the regular solutions can be computed from the power-series expansions (§§33.6, 33.19) for small values of the radii and then integrated in the direction of increasing values of the radii.
►This implies decreasing for the regular solutions and increasing
for the irregular solutions of §§33.2(iii) and 33.14(iii).
3: 10.37 Inequalities; Monotonicity
is fixed, then throughout the interval , is positive and increasing, and is positive and decreasing.
is fixed, then throughout the interval , is decreasing, and is increasing.
4: 27.15 Chinese Remainder Theorem
►This theorem is employed to increase efficiency in calculating with large numbers by making use of smaller numbers in most of the calculation.
5: 4.12 Generalized Logarithms and Exponentials
6: 32.14 Combinatorics
►With , is said to be an increasing
subsequence of of length
when .
Let be the length of the longest increasing subsequence of .
7: 5.10 Continued Fractions
8: 29.20 Methods of Computation
►A fourth method is by asymptotic approximations by zeros of orthogonal polynomials of increasing degree.
9: 2.2 Transcendental Equations
►Let be continuous and strictly increasing when and