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21: Preface
All of the mathematical information contained in the Handbook is also contained in the DLMF, along with additional features such as more graphics, expanded tables, and higher members of some families of formulas; in consequence, in the Handbook there are occasional gaps in the numbering sequences of equations, tables, and figures. …
22: 5.2 Definitions
5.2.3 γ = lim n ( 1 + 1 2 + 1 3 + + 1 n ln n ) = 0.57721 56649 01532 86060 .
23: 5.17 Barnes’ G -Function (Double Gamma Function)
5.17.6 A = e C = 1.28242 71291 00622 63687 ,
24: 1.16 Distributions
A sequence { ϕ n } of test functions converges to a test function ϕ if the support of every ϕ n is contained in a fixed compact set K and as n the sequence { ϕ n ( k ) } converges uniformly on K to ϕ ( k ) for k = 0 , 1 , 2 , . … We say that a sequence of distributions { Λ n } converges to a distribution Λ in 𝒟 if … A sequence { ϕ n } of functions in 𝒯 is said to converge to a function ϕ 𝒯 as n if the sequence { ϕ n ( k ) } converges uniformly to ϕ ( k ) on every finite interval and if the constants c k , N in the inequalities … A sequence of tempered distributions Λ n converges to Λ in 𝒯 if … A sequence { ϕ m } of functions in 𝒟 n converges to a function ϕ 𝒟 n if the supports of ϕ m lie in a fixed compact subset K of n and ϕ m ( k ) converges uniformly to ϕ ( k ) in K for every multi-index k = ( k 1 , k 2 , , k n ) . …
25: 4.4 Special Values and Limits
4.4.19 lim n ( ( k = 1 n 1 k ) ln n ) = γ = 0.57721 56649 01532 86060 ,
26: 4.45 Methods of Computation
Beginning with x 0 = x , generate the sequence
27: Bibliography C
  • W. J. Cody (1983) Algorithm 597: Sequence of modified Bessel functions of the first kind. ACM Trans. Math. Software 9 (2), pp. 242–245.
  • Combinatorial Object Server (website) Department of Computer Science, University of Victoria, Canada.
  • R. M. Corless, D. J. Jeffrey, and D. E. Knuth (1997) A sequence of series for the Lambert W function. In Proceedings of the 1997 International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation (Kihei, HI), pp. 197–204.
  • 28: 1.10 Functions of a Complex Variable
    The convergence of the infinite product is uniform if the sequence of partial products converges uniformly. … If { z n } is a sequence such that n = 1 | z n 2 | is convergent, then … If { a n } and { z n } are sequences such that z m z n ( m n ) and n = 1 | a n z n 2 | is convergent, then …
    29: 18.40 Methods of Computation
    These quadrature weights and abscissas will then allow construction of a convergent sequence of approximations to w ( x ) , as will be considered in the following paragraphs. …
    30: 19.30 Lengths of Plane Curves
    19.30.13 P = 4 2 a 2 R F ( 0 , 1 , 2 ) = 2 a 2 × 5.24411 51 = 4 a K ( 1 / 2 ) = a × 7.41629 87 .