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1: 27.2 Functions
Euclid’s Elements (Euclid (1908, Book IX, Proposition 20)) gives an elegant proof that there are infinitely many primes. … An equivalent form states that the n th prime p n (when the primes are listed in increasing order) is asymptotic to n ln n as n : …
27.2.8 a ϕ ( n ) 1 ( mod n ) ,
and if ϕ ( n ) is the smallest positive integer f such that a f 1 ( mod n ) , then a is a primitive root mod n . …
Table 27.2.2: Functions related to division.
n ϕ ( n ) d ( n ) σ ( n ) n ϕ ( n ) d ( n ) σ ( n ) n ϕ ( n ) d ( n ) σ ( n ) n ϕ ( n ) d ( n ) σ ( n )
7 6 2 8 20 8 6 42 33 20 4 48 46 22 4 72
2: 26.5 Lattice Paths: Catalan Numbers
(Sixty-six equivalent definitions of C ( n ) are given in Stanley (1999, pp. 219–229).) …
Table 26.5.1: Catalan numbers.
n C ( n ) n C ( n ) n C ( n )
6 132 13 7 42900 20 65641 20420
§26.5(iv) Limiting Forms
3: 26.9 Integer Partitions: Restricted Number and Part Size
Table 26.9.1: Partitions p k ( n ) .
n k
8 0 1 5 10 15 18 20 21 22 22 22
The conjugate partition is obtained by reflecting the Ferrers graph across the main diagonal or, equivalently, by representing each integer by a column of dots. … Equations (26.9.2)–(26.9.3) are examples of closed forms that can be computed explicitly for any positive integer k . … equivalently, partitions into at most k parts either have exactly k parts, in which case we can subtract one from each part, or they have strictly fewer than k parts. …
§26.9(iv) Limiting Form
4: 2.11 Remainder Terms; Stokes Phenomenon
That the change in their forms is discontinuous, even though the function being approximated is analytic, is an example of the Stokes phenomenon. … In the transition through θ = π , erfc ( 1 2 ρ c ( θ ) ) changes very rapidly, but smoothly, from one form to the other; compare the graph of its modulus in Figure 2.11.1 in the case ρ = 100 . … The process just used is equivalent to re-expanding the remainder term of the original asymptotic series (2.11.24) in powers of 1 / ( x + 5 ) and truncating the new series optimally. … For example, using double precision d 20 is found to agree with (2.11.31) to 13D. … Their extrapolation is based on assumed forms of remainder terms that may not always be appropriate for asymptotic expansions. …