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ellipse arc length


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1: 22.18 Mathematical Applications
§22.18(i) Lengths and Parametrization of Plane Curves
The arc length l ( u ) in the first quadrant, measured from u = 0 , is …
The arc length l ( r ) , measured from ϕ = 0 , is …
2: 4.42 Solution of Triangles
4.42.8 cos a = cos b cos c + sin b sin c cos A ,
4.42.9 sin A sin a = sin B sin b = sin C sin c ,
4.42.10 sin a cos B = cos b sin c sin b cos c cos A ,
4.42.11 cos a cos C = sin a cot b sin C cot B ,
4.42.12 cos A = cos B cos C + sin B sin C cos a .
3: 19.30 Lengths of Plane Curves
§19.30(i) Ellipse
The arclength s of the ellipseThe length of the ellipse is … See Carlson (1977b, Ex. 9.4-1 and (9.4-4)) for arclengths of hyperbolas and ellipses in terms of R a that differ only in the sign of b 2 . … The perimeter length P of the lemniscate is given by …
4: Bibliography B
  • J. Baik, P. Deift, and K. Johansson (1999) On the distribution of the length of the longest increasing subsequence of random permutations. J. Amer. Math. Soc. 12 (4), pp. 1119–1178.
  • R. W. Barnard, K. Pearce, and K. C. Richards (2000) A monotonicity property involving F 2 3 and comparisons of the classical approximations of elliptical arc length. SIAM J. Math. Anal. 32 (2), pp. 403–419.
  • R. W. Barnard, K. Pearce, and L. Schovanec (2001) Inequalities for the perimeter of an ellipse. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 260 (2), pp. 295–306.
  • 5: 7.20 Mathematical Applications
    Then the arc length between the origin and P ( t ) equals t , and is directly proportional to the curvature at P ( t ) , which equals π t . …
    6: 19.24 Inequalities
    Approximations and one-sided inequalities for R G ( 0 , y , z ) follow from those given in §19.9(i) for the length L ( a , b ) of an ellipse with semiaxes a and b , since
    19.24.7 L ( a , b ) = 8 R G ( 0 , a 2 , b 2 ) .
    7: 14.28 Sums
    14.28.2 n = 0 ( 2 n + 1 ) Q n ( z 1 ) P n ( z 2 ) = 1 z 1 z 2 , z 1 1 , z 2 2 ,
    where 1 and 2 are ellipses with foci at ± 1 , 2 being properly interior to 1 . …
    8: 28.33 Physical Applications
    We shall derive solutions to the uniform, homogeneous, loss-free, and stretched elliptical ring membrane with mass ρ per unit area, and radial tension τ per unit arc length. … If the parameters of a physical system vary periodically with time, then the question of stability arises, for example, a mathematical pendulum whose length varies as cos ( 2 ω t ) . …
    9: 19.15 Advantages of Symmetry
    For the many properties of ellipses and triaxial ellipsoids that can be represented by elliptic integrals, any symmetry in the semiaxes remains obvious when symmetric integrals are used (see (19.30.5) and §19.33). …
    10: Sidebar 9.SB1: Supernumerary Rainbows
    The faint line below the main colored arc is a ‘supernumerary rainbow’, produced by the interference of different sun-rays traversing a raindrop and emerging in the same direction. …