divisor sums
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1: 27.6 Divisor Sums
§27.6 Divisor Sums
►Sums of number-theoretic functions extended over divisors are of special interest. … ►Generating functions, Euler products, and Möbius inversion are used to evaluate many sums extended over divisors. …2: 27.10 Periodic Number-Theoretic Functions
►It can also be expressed in terms of the Möbius function as a divisor sum:
3: 27.1 Special Notation
positive integers (unless otherwise indicated). | |
… | |
, | sum, product taken over divisors of . |
… |
4: 27.5 Inversion Formulas
5: 27.21 Tables
►Glaisher (1940) contains four tables: Table I tabulates, for all : (a) the canonical factorization of into powers of primes; (b) the Euler totient ; (c) the divisor function ; (d) the sum
of these divisors.
6: 27.3 Multiplicative Properties
7: 27.2 Functions
►is the sum of the th powers of the divisors of , where the exponent can be real or complex.
►Table 27.2.2 tabulates the Euler totient function , the divisor function (), and the sum of the divisors
(), for .
8: 27.7 Lambert Series as Generating Functions