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diffusion problems


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1: 28.33 Physical Applications
  • McLachlan (1947, Chapters XVI–XIX) for applications of the wave equation to vibrational systems, electrical and thermal diffusion, electromagnetic wave guides, elliptical cylinders in viscous fluids, and diffraction of sound and electromagnetic waves.

  • 2: 6.17 Physical Applications
    Geller and Ng (1969) cites work with applications from diffusion theory, transport problems, the study of the radiative equilibrium of stellar atmospheres, and the evaluation of exchange integrals occurring in quantum mechanics. …
    3: 10.73 Physical Applications
    For applications of the Rayleigh function σ n ( ν ) 10.21(xiii)) to problems of heat conduction and diffusion in liquids see Kapitsa (1951a).
    4: Bibliography K
  • V. Kourganoff (1952) Basic Methods in Transfer Problems. Radiative Equilibrium and Neutron Diffusion. Oxford University Press, Oxford.