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1: 36.5 Stokes Sets
Stokes sets are surfaces (codimension one) in 𝐱 space, across which Ψ K ( 𝐱 ; k ) or Ψ ( U ) ( 𝐱 ; k ) acquires an exponentially-small asymptotic contribution (in k ), associated with a complex critical point of Φ K or Φ ( U ) . …
See accompanying text
Figure 36.5.2: Swallowtail catastrophe with z < 0 . Magnify
See accompanying text
Figure 36.5.3: Swallowtail catastrophe with z = 0 . Magnify
2: Bibliography F
  • S. Fempl (1960) Sur certaines sommes des intégral-cosinus. Bull. Soc. Math. Phys. Serbie 12, pp. 13–20 (French).
  • V. A. Fock (1965) Electromagnetic Diffraction and Propagation Problems. International Series of Monographs on Electromagnetic Waves, Vol. 1, Pergamon Press, Oxford.
  • V. Fock (1945) Diffraction of radio waves around the earth’s surface. Acad. Sci. USSR. J. Phys. 9, pp. 255–266.
  • C. K. Frederickson and P. L. Marston (1992) Transverse cusp diffraction catastrophes produced by the reflection of ultrasonic tone bursts from a curved surface in water. J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 92 (5), pp. 2869–2877.
  • A. Fresnel (1818) Mémoire sur la diffraction de la lumière. Mém. de l’Académie des Sciences, pp. 247–382.
  • 3: Bibliography B
  • M. V. Berry and C. J. Howls (1990) Stokes surfaces of diffraction catastrophes with codimension three. Nonlinearity 3 (2), pp. 281–291.
  • M. V. Berry and C. J. Howls (2010) Axial and focal-plane diffraction catastrophe integrals. J. Phys. A 43 (37), pp. 375206, 13.
  • M. V. Berry, J. F. Nye, and F. J. Wright (1979) The elliptic umbilic diffraction catastrophe. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. Ser. A 291 (1382), pp. 453–484.
  • M. V. Berry and C. Upstill (1980) Catastrophe optics: Morphologies of caustics and their diffraction patterns. In Progress in Optics, E. Wolf (Ed.), Vol. 18, pp. 257–346.
  • M. V. Berry (1980) Some Geometric Aspects of Wave Motion: Wavefront Dislocations, Diffraction Catastrophes, Diffractals. In Geometry of the Laplace Operator (Proc. Sympos. Pure Math., Univ. Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii, 1979), Vol. 36, pp. 13–28.