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deficiency indices


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1: 1.18 Linear Second Order Differential Operators and Eigenfunction Expansions
We have a direct sum of linear spaces: 𝒟 ( T ) = 𝒟 ( T ) + N i + N i . … So has self-adjoint extensions with deficiency indices n + = n = 0 , or 1 or 2 . …Let n 1 , n 1 be the deficiency indices for restricted to ( a , c ) , and n 2 , n 2 the ones for restricted to ( c , b ) . …The two (equal) deficiency indices of are then equal to n 1 + n 2 2 . … The above results, especially the discussions of deficiency indices and limit point and limit circle boundary conditions, lay the basis for further applications. …
2: 32.1 Special Notation
Unless otherwise noted, primes indicate derivatives with respect to the argument. …
3: 6.1 Special Notation
Unless otherwise noted, primes indicate derivatives with respect to the argument. …
4: 36.6 Scaling Relations
Indices for k -Scaling of Magnitude of Ψ K or Ψ ( U ) (Singularity Index)
Indices for k -Scaling of Coordinates x m
Indices for k -Scaling of 𝐱 Hypervolume
5: Viewing DLMF Interactive 3D Graphics
For that reason we will continue to offer VRML/X3D options as indicated under Additional Options. …
6: About MathML
For other browsers, you may see a ? or a box like [Uncaptioned image] indicating missing symbols, and thus insufficient fonts. …
7: 12.1 Special Notation
Unless otherwise noted, primes indicate derivatives with respect to the variable, and fractional powers take their principal values. …
8: About Color Map
The four color scheme quickly indicates in which quadrant z lies: the colors blue, green, red and yellow are used to indicate the first, second, third and fourth quadrants, respectively. …
9: 1.1 Special Notation
x , y real variables.
primes derivatives with respect to the variable, except where indicated otherwise.
10: 10.70 Zeros
In the case ν = 0 , numerical tabulations (Abramowitz and Stegun (1964, Table 9.12)) indicate that each of (10.70.2) corresponds to the m th zero of the function on the left-hand side. …