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1: 16.24 Physical Applications
►Generalized hypergeometric functions and Appell functions appear in the evaluation of the so-called Watson integrals which characterize the simplest possible lattice walks.
2: 18.3 Definitions
§18.3 Definitions
… ►There are many ways of characterizing the classical OP’s within the general OP’s , see Al-Salam (1990). The three most important characterizations are: …3: Guide to Searching the DLMF
►To find more effectively the information you need, especially equations, you may at times wish to specify what you want with descriptive words that characterize the contents but do not occur literally.
4: Bibliography
On the zeros of confluent hypergeometric functions. III. Characterization by means of nonlinear equations.
Lett. Nuovo Cimento (2) 29 (11), pp. 353–358.
Characterization theorems for orthogonal polynomials.
In Orthogonal Polynomials (Columbus, OH, 1989),
NATO Adv. Sci. Inst. Ser. C Math. Phys. Sci., Vol. 294, pp. 1–24.
5: 18.36 Miscellaneous Polynomials
6: 3.5 Quadrature
§3.5(vi) Eigenvalue/Eigenvector Characterization of Gauss Quadrature Formulas
…7: Bibliography S
Characterization of Jacobian varieties in terms of soliton equations.
Invent. Math. 83 (2), pp. 333–382.