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1: 25.10 Zeros
More than 41% of all the zeros in the critical strip lie on the critical line (Bui et al. (2011)). …
2: Bibliography B
  • H. M. Bui, B. Conrey, and M. P. Young (2011) More than 41% of the zeros of the zeta function are on the critical line. Acta Arith. 150 (1), pp. 35–64.
  • 3: Errata
  • Subsection 25.10(ii)

    In the paragraph immediately below (25.10.4), it was originally stated that “more than one-third of all zeros in the critical strip lie on the critical line.” which referred to Levinson (1974). This sentence has been updated with “one-third” being replaced with “41%” now referring to Bui et al. (2011) (suggested by Gergő Nemes on 2021-08-23).