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boundary conditions


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1: 32.5 Integral Equations
satisfies P II  with α = 0 and the boundary condition
2: 20.13 Physical Applications
These two apparently different solutions differ only in their normalization and boundary conditions. …Theta-function solutions to the heat diffusion equation with simple boundary conditions are discussed in Lawden (1989, pp. 1–3), and with more general boundary conditions in Körner (1989, pp. 274–281). …
3: 1.18 Linear Second Order Differential Operators and Eigenfunction Expansions
Self-adjoint extensions of (1.18.28) and the Weyl alternative
A boundary value for the end point a is a linear form on 𝒟 ( ) of the form …Then, if the linear form is nonzero, the condition ( f ) = 0 is called a boundary condition at a . Boundary values and boundary conditions for the end point b are defined in a similar way. … The above results, especially the discussions of deficiency indices and limit point and limit circle boundary conditions, lay the basis for further applications. …
4: 32.14 Combinatorics
and w ( x ) satisfies P II  with α = 0 and boundary conditions
5: 10.73 Physical Applications
and on separation of variables we obtain solutions of the form e ± i n ϕ e ± κ z J n ( κ r ) , from which a solution satisfying prescribed boundary conditions may be constructed. … With the spherical harmonic Y , m ( θ , ϕ ) defined as in §14.30(i), the solutions are of the form f = g ( k ρ ) Y , m ( θ , ϕ ) with g = 𝗃 , 𝗒 , 𝗁 ( 1 ) , or 𝗁 ( 2 ) , depending on the boundary conditions. …
6: 1.13 Differential Equations
Assuming that u ( x ) satisfies un-mixed boundary conditions of the form …or periodic boundary conditionsFor a regular Sturm-Liouville system, equations (1.13.26) and (1.13.29) have: (i) identical eigenvalues, λ ; (ii) the corresponding (real) eigenfunctions, u ( x ) and w ( t ) , have the same number of zeros, also called nodes, for t ( 0 , c ) as for x ( a , b ) ; (iii) the eigenfunctions also satisfy the same type of boundary conditions, un-mixed or periodic, for both forms at the corresponding boundary points. …
7: 28.33 Physical Applications
The boundary conditions for ξ = ξ 0 (outer clamp) and ξ = ξ 1 (inner clamp) yield the following equation for q : …
8: 28.32 Mathematical Applications
If the boundary conditions in a physical problem relate to the perimeter of an ellipse, then elliptical coordinates are convenient. …
9: 32.11 Asymptotic Approximations for Real Variables
with boundary conditionand with boundary condition
10: 30.14 Wave Equation in Oblate Spheroidal Coordinates
Equation (30.13.7) for ξ ξ 0 together with the boundary condition w = 0 on the ellipsoid given by ξ = ξ 0 , poses an eigenvalue problem with κ 2 as spectral parameter. …