Whipple transformation
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5 matching pages
1: 16.4 Argument Unity
2: Bibliography W
Extension of a quadratic transformation due to Whipple with an application.
Adv. Difference Equ., pp. 2013:157, 8.
Some transformations of generalized hypergeometric series.
Proc. London Math. Soc. (2) 26 (2), pp. 257–272.
3: Bibliography M
A -analog of a Whipple’s transformation for hypergeometric series in
Adv. Math. 108 (1), pp. 1–76.
4: 16.6 Transformations of Variable
§16.6 Transformations of Variable
… ►Cubic
►For Kummer-type transformations of functions see Miller (2003) and Paris (2005a), and for further transformations see Erdélyi et al. (1953a, §4.5), Miller and Paris (2011), Choi and Rathie (2013) and Wang and Rathie (2013).