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Rayleigh formulas


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1: 10.49 Explicit Formulas
§10.49(iii) Rayleigh’s Formulas
2: Bibliography G
  • D. P. Gupta and M. E. Muldoon (2000) Riccati equations and convolution formulae for functions of Rayleigh type. J. Phys. A 33 (7), pp. 1363–1368.
  • 3: Bibliography V
  • A. J. van der Poorten (1980) Some Wonderful Formulas an Introduction to Polylogarithms. In Proceedings of the Queen’s Number Theory Conference, 1979 (Kingston, Ont., 1979), R. Ribenboim (Ed.), Queen’s Papers in Pure and Appl. Math., Vol. 54, Kingston, Ont., pp. 269–286.
  • A. Verma and V. K. Jain (1983) Certain summation formulae for q -series. J. Indian Math. Soc. (N.S.) 47 (1-4), pp. 71–85 (1986).
  • H. Volkmer (2004a) Error estimates for Rayleigh-Ritz approximations of eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the Mathieu and spheroidal wave equation. Constr. Approx. 20 (1), pp. 39–54.
  • 4: Bibliography K
  • A. A. Kapaev and A. V. Kitaev (1993) Connection formulae for the first Painlevé transcendent in the complex domain. Lett. Math. Phys. 27 (4), pp. 243–252.
  • R. P. Kelisky (1957) On formulas involving both the Bernoulli and Fibonacci numbers. Scripta Math. 23, pp. 27–35.
  • M. K. Kerimov (1999) The Rayleigh function: Theory and computational methods. Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz. 39 (12), pp. 1962–2006.
  • M. K. Kerimov (2008) Overview of some new results concerning the theory and applications of the Rayleigh special function. Comput. Math. Math. Phys. 48 (9), pp. 1454–1507.
  • T. H. Koornwinder (1977) The addition formula for Laguerre polynomials. SIAM J. Math. Anal. 8 (3), pp. 535–540.