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1: 17.8 Special Cases of Functions
2: Bibliography B
Transcendental Functions Satisfying Nonhomogeneous Linear Differential Equations.
The Macmillan Co., New York.
On the distribution of the length of the longest increasing subsequence of random permutations.
J. Amer. Math. Soc. 12 (4), pp. 1119–1178.
Integral representations and summations of the modified Struve function.
Acta Math. Hungar. 141 (3), pp. 254–281.
Real values of the -function.
ACM Trans. Math. Software 21 (2), pp. 161–171.
Laplace approximations for hypergeometric functions with matrix argument.
Ann. Statist. 30 (4), pp. 1155–1177.
3: Bibliography M
Handbook of Integral Transforms of Higher Transcendental Functions: Theory and Algorithmic Tables.
Ellis Horwood Ltd./John Wiley & Sons, Inc, Chichester/New York.
On the evaluation of Bessel functions.
Appl. Comput. Harmon. Anal. 1 (1), pp. 116–135.
Über die asymptotische Entwicklung von , für große Werte von und . I, II.
Proc. Akad. Wet. Amsterdam 35, pp. 1170–1180, 1291–1303 (German).
Hierarchies and logarithmic oscillations in the temporal relaxation patterns of proteins and other complex systems.
Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. U .S. A. 96 (20), pp. 11085–11089.
On the representation of numbers as a sum of squares.
Quarterly Journal of Math. 48, pp. 93–104.
4: Bibliography
Exact linearization of a Painlevé transcendent.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 38 (20), pp. 1103–1106.
Table of Definite and Infinite Integrals.
Physical Sciences Data, Vol. 13, Elsevier Scientific Publishing Co., Amsterdam.
Derivatives and integrals with respect to the order of the Struve functions and
J. Math. Anal. Appl. 137 (1), pp. 17–36.
Perturbation solutions of the ellipsoidal wave equation.
Quart. J. Math. Oxford Ser. (2) 7, pp. 161–174.
Multichannel Rydberg spectroscopy of complex atoms.
Reviews of Modern Physics 68, pp. 1015–1123.
5: Bibliography W
A note on the trinomial analogue of Bailey’s lemma.
J. Combin. Theory Ser. A 81 (1), pp. 114–118.
The cubic transformation of the hypergeometric function.
Quart. J. Pure and Applied Math. 41, pp. 70–79.
A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions.
2nd edition, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, England.
Wave functions for large arguments by the amplitude-phase method.
Phys. Rev. 52, pp. 1123–1127.
On the asymptotic behavior of the Fourier coefficients of Mathieu functions.
J. Res. Nat. Inst. Standards Tech. 113 (1), pp. 11–15.
6: Bibliography C
Extremal measures for a system of orthogonal polynomials.
Constr. Approx. 9, pp. 111–119.
A dispersion analysis for difference schemes: Tables of generalized Airy functions.
Math. Comp. 32 (144), pp. 1163–1170.
A method for the numerical evaluation of the oscillatory integrals associated with the cuspoid catastrophes: Application to Pearcey’s integral and its derivatives.
J. Phys. A 15 (4), pp. 1179–1190.
On the asymptotic expansion of Airy’s integral.
Proc. Glasgow Math. Assoc. 6, pp. 113–115.
Chazy’s second-degree Painlevé equations.
J. Phys. A 39 (39), pp. 11955–11971.