Mobius function
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1—10 of 11 matching pages
1: 27.5 Inversion Formulas
2: 27.17 Other Applications
§27.17 Other Applications
…3: 27.6 Divisor Sums
►Generating functions, Euler products, and Möbius inversion are used to evaluate many sums extended over divisors.
4: 27.2 Functions
5: 27.4 Euler Products and Dirichlet Series
6: 27.11 Asymptotic Formulas: Partial Sums
7: 27.7 Lambert Series as Generating Functions
8: 27.10 Periodic Number-Theoretic Functions
9: Bibliography R
On the foundations of combinatorial theory. I. Theory of Möbius functions.
Z. Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und Verw. Gebiete 2, pp. 340–368.
10: 32.2 Differential Equations
►They are distinct modulo Möbius (bilinear) transformations
…in which , , , , and are locally analytic functions.
The fifty equations can be reduced to linear equations, solved in terms of elliptic functions (Chapters 22 and 23), or reduced to one of –.
►For arbitrary values of the parameters , , , and , the general solutions of – are transcendental, that is, they cannot be expressed in closed-form elementary functions.
However, for special values of the parameters, equations – have special solutions in terms of elementary functions, or special functions defined elsewhere in the DLMF.