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Hermite EOP’s


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1: 18.36 Miscellaneous Polynomials
Two representative examples, type I X 1 -Laguerre, Gómez-Ullate et al. (2010), and type III X 2 -Hermite, Gómez-Ullate and Milson (2014) EOPs, are illustrated here. …
Type III X 2 -Hermite EOPs
Hermite EOPs are defined in terms of classical Hermite OP’s. The type III X 2 -Hermite EOPs, missing polynomial orders 1 and 2 , are the complete set of polynomials, with real coefficients and defined explicitly as …
2: 18.39 Applications in the Physical Sciences
c) A Rational SUSY Potential argumentThus the two missing quantum numbers corresponding to EOPs of order 1 and 2 of the type III Hermite EOPs are offset in the node counts by the fact that all excited state eigenfunctions also have two missing real zeros. …
3: 18.38 Mathematical Applications
Hermite EOPs appear in solutions of a rationally modified Schrödinger equation in §18.39. … EOPs are the subject of recent work on rational solutions to the fourth Painlevé equation, see Clarkson (2003a) and Marquette and Quesne (2016),where use of Hermite EOPs makes a connection to quantum mechanics. …
4: 18.1 Notation
Classical OP’s
  • Hermite: H n ( x ) , 𝐻𝑒 n ( x ) .

  • Discrete q -Hermite I: h n ( x ; q ) .

  • Discrete q -Hermite II: h ~ n ( x ; q ) .

  • Continuous q -Hermite: H n ( x | q ) .