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1: 25.15 Dirichlet L -functions
§25.15 Dirichlet L -functions
§25.15(i) Definitions and Basic Properties
The notation L ( s , χ ) was introduced by Dirichlet (1837) for the meromorphic continuation of the function defined by the series … …
§25.15(ii) Zeros
2: 20 Theta Functions
Chapter 20 Theta Functions
3: Bibliography
  • M. J. Ablowitz and H. Segur (1977) Exact linearization of a Painlevé transcendent. Phys. Rev. Lett. 38 (20), pp. 1103–1106.
  • A. Adelberg (1992) On the degrees of irreducible factors of higher order Bernoulli polynomials. Acta Arith. 62 (4), pp. 329–342.
  • S. V. Aksenov, M. A. Savageau, U. D. Jentschura, J. Becher, G. Soff, and P. J. Mohr (2003) Application of the combined nonlinear-condensation transformation to problems in statistical analysis and theoretical physics. Comput. Phys. Comm. 150 (1), pp. 1–20.
  • D. E. Amos (1989) Repeated integrals and derivatives of K Bessel functions. SIAM J. Math. Anal. 20 (1), pp. 169–175.
  • T. M. Apostol (1985b) Note on the trivial zeros of Dirichlet L -functions. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 94 (1), pp. 29–30.
  • 4: 28 Mathieu Functions and Hill’s Equation
    Chapter 28 Mathieu Functions and Hill’s Equation
    5: Bibliography G
  • G. Gasper (1975) Formulas of the Dirichlet-Mehler Type. In Fractional Calculus and its Applications, B. Ross (Ed.), Lecture Notes in Math., Vol. 457, pp. 207–215.
  • W. Gautschi (1994) Algorithm 726: ORTHPOL — a package of routines for generating orthogonal polynomials and Gauss-type quadrature rules. ACM Trans. Math. Software 20 (1), pp. 21–62.
  • A. Gil, J. Segura, and N. M. Temme (2014) Algorithm 939: computation of the Marcum Q-function. ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 40 (3), pp. 20:1–20:21.
  • K. Girstmair (1990b) Dirichlet convolution of cotangent numbers and relative class number formulas. Monatsh. Math. 110 (3-4), pp. 231–256.
  • Ya. I. Granovskiĭ, I. M. Lutzenko, and A. S. Zhedanov (1992) Mutual integrability, quadratic algebras, and dynamical symmetry. Ann. Phys. 217 (1), pp. 1–20.
  • 6: 27.5 Inversion Formulas
    If a Dirichlet series F ( s ) generates f ( n ) , and G ( s ) generates g ( n ) , then the product F ( s ) G ( s ) generates
    27.5.1 h ( n ) = d | n f ( d ) g ( n d ) ,
    called the Dirichlet product (or convolution) of f and g . The set of all number-theoretic functions f with f ( 1 ) 0 forms an abelian group under Dirichlet multiplication, with the function 1 / n in (27.2.5) as identity element; see Apostol (1976, p. 129). …
    27.5.6 G ( x ) = n x F ( x n ) F ( x ) = n x μ ( n ) G ( x n ) ,
    7: Bibliography D
  • C. de la Vallée Poussin (1896a) Recherches analytiques sur la théorie des nombres premiers. Première partie. La fonction ζ ( s ) de Riemann et les nombres premiers en général, suivi d’un Appendice sur des réflexions applicables à une formule donnée par Riemann. Ann. Soc. Sci. Bruxelles 20, pp. 183–256 (French).
  • C. de la Vallée Poussin (1896b) Recherches analytiques sur la théorie des nombres premiers. Deuxième partie. Les fonctions de Dirichlet et les nombres premiers de la forme linéaire M x + N . Ann. Soc. Sci. Bruxelles 20, pp. 281–397 (French).
  • P. G. L. Dirichlet (1849) Über die Bestimmung der mittleren Werthe in der Zahlentheorie. Abhandlungen der Königlich Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften von 1849, pp. 69–83 (German).
  • B. Döring (1966) Complex zeros of cylinder functions. Math. Comp. 20 (94), pp. 215–222.
  • T. M. Dunster (1989) Uniform asymptotic expansions for Whittaker’s confluent hypergeometric functions. SIAM J. Math. Anal. 20 (3), pp. 744–760.
  • 8: Staff
  • William P. Reinhardt, University of Washington, Chaps. 20, 22, 23

  • Hans Volkmer, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Chaps. 29, 30

  • Peter L. Walker, American University of Sharjah, Chaps. 20, 22, 23

  • William P. Reinhardt, University of Washington, for Chaps. 20, 22, 23

  • Peter L. Walker, American University of Sharjah, for Chaps. 20, 22, 23

  • 9: 27.8 Dirichlet Characters
    §27.8 Dirichlet Characters
    In other words, Dirichlet characters (mod k ) satisfy the four conditions: … If χ is a character (mod k ), so is its complex conjugate χ ¯ . … A divisor d of k is called an induced modulus for χ if … Every Dirichlet character χ (mod k ) is a product
    10: 27.2 Functions
    Functions in this section derive their properties from the fundamental theorem of arithmetic, which states that every integer n > 1 can be represented uniquely as a product of prime powers, …Euclid’s Elements (Euclid (1908, Book IX, Proposition 20)) gives an elegant proof that there are infinitely many primes. … It is the special case k = 2 of the function d k ( n ) that counts the number of ways of expressing n as the product of k factors, with the order of factors taken into account. …
    Table 27.2.2: Functions related to division.
    n ϕ ( n ) d ( n ) σ ( n ) n ϕ ( n ) d ( n ) σ ( n ) n ϕ ( n ) d ( n ) σ ( n ) n ϕ ( n ) d ( n ) σ ( n )
    7 6 2 8 20 8 6 42 33 20 4 48 46 22 4 72
    12 4 6 28 25 20 3 31 38 18 4 60 51 32 4 72